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Posts posted by Tatianasaphira

  1. As someone that deals with the OS's all day long, do NOT go with Vista.


    If you had to go with something that was 'stable' I would say Linux.


    Leopard still doesn't work with most Video games, and boot camp is interesting, but unreliable


    Vista is horrible, and doesn't still have a lot of support. Most product support (like myself) doesn't have all the info on Vista, like we did on Xp, as Microsoft will not release. So getting support for specific programs, that deal with the os, you would have to pay for Microsoft support.

  2. Hey everyone, I have an issue with one of my new layouts


    I am making a Jhudora layout, and I am having an issue with setting up the Nav bar and content.


    I am trying to make it to the dimension of 475x475, making it lay up with where I have the command for the 'sidebar' thus making part of it run along that edge.


    What is happening though is that it is running along the entire edge of the page, and under the background pic.


    Any help would be appreciated.


    Right now, some of it still has zeros from my attempts to figure out what one would make it move, and none of the numbers would move.


    Here is the code:

    body, font, td, p, i, a{font:8pt verdana;color:#00CED1;}
    #nst, .user, hr, #userneohome{display:none}
    a, a b{font:8pt century gothic;color:#166931;text-decoration:none;}
    a:hover, a:hover b{color:#40E0D0;}
    .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt{border:0px solid black; background:url('http://www.blessthefaerie.com/Images/Divider.gif'); color: 
    .contentModuleTable, .contentModule, .contentModuleContent {border:none;}
    #usershop img{display:none;}
    #footer, #header, #contentcontent, .sf, hr{display:none;}
    #usertrophies td{padding:0px;}
    .trophy_cell td{padding:0px;}
    <body background="http://www.blessthefaerie.com/Images/Jhudora_bg.jpg">
    <div id="pic"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://www.blessthefaerie.com/Images/Jhudora_Layout.jpg" width="780" height="500"></div>
    <div id="nav">
    <a href="/myaccount.phtml">Control Panel</a><br>
    <a href="/petcentral.phtml">Pet Central</a><br>
    <a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a><br>
    <a href="/gameroom.phtml">Games</a><br>
    <a href="/objects.phtml">Shops</a><br>
    <a href="/neoboards/index.phtml">Boards</a><br>
    <a href="/nf.phtml">News</a><br>
    <a href="/video/index.phtml">Video</a><br>
    <a href="/~alan_rogers2132">SunnyNeo</a></div>
    <div id="about">
    <div id="status">
    <b>Neofriends:</b> OPEN<br><br>
    <b>Neomail:</b> OPEN<br><br>
    <b>Guilds:</b> OPEN<br><br>
    <b>Battledome:</b> OPEN<br><br>
    <b>Games:</b> OPEN<br><br>
    <div id="wish">
    WISH LIST HERE!</div>

  3. Okay something has been kinda bugging me for a while. How would you be able to find out who has the oldest of a pet pet species.


    For example. My Faerie Kadoatie has been on my pet since Jan 2004, and as far as I am aware, there hasn't been a pet pet spotlight for it yet.


    So how can you find out if there is a pet that has been on longer then you?


    If it ever comes up, I hope I would be in the running, cause I love my "Baby" (her name on Kyrie927, my Jetsam) but I wasn't sure, and I wanted to find out.


    If anyone has any ideas, that would be awesome, other them emailing TNT

  4. My philosophy, is that if it doesn't have chocolate, and fudge within the name...I don't accept.


    And thanks guys. Already have one layout made up for a guild pet page.


    Not sure of what ideas to have for others...if anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them

  5. I've been away from neopets for a long time, and thanks to my friend, she got me back into it.


    Missed out on both altador cups, and the Tales of woe and the Cyodrake quest. Pooey...



    Used to do lookups and now they changed it....Pooey again...


    So been working on those lately. So far, I have done my shop layout and user layout, and currently just fixing my pet Tonu's page, which is the storage for my avatar collection.


    After I finish my friends layout requests, I am willing to assist in making custom layouts for people, but it will probably be a while.


    Anyways, hi to everyone and happy halloween!

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