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Legault Chainhart

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Posts posted by Legault Chainhart

  1. well, i'm really stuck on this one. i hate asking for help, but i could use a good hint right about now. i even went through that 48 page thing trying to find something to help me. is it the name of one of the shows listed?



    The forest one? Yes, the answer is one of the shows listed. I believe everything in the forest, except for the tv listings, is irrelevant.

  2. I'm still figuring out the "Overthrow" riddle.

    Also, doesn't anyone ever actually use TheDailyNeopets? Everyone is using JellyNeo or something. 0_0


    April Fools Day Prank '06


    That's a perfectly good page right there.



    The overthrow riddle is the last one... Someone leaked the answer to a question related to the stock market early on, and it screwed everyone up.


    I use TDN all the time. In fact, it's one of my home pages. It's dailies are second to none!

  3. Looking closely again, I was indeed wrong. But there are only three "I"s... the fourth one is really an exclamation point. So, after canceling one of them out, we get FYORAJOBVITI or FYORAJOZVITI.


    Or, lest we get stuck on Fyora, I VIA JOB FORTY.


    Here's another thought:


    Does anyone know what the G.P. in the lower left of the Kalium Echo page means?


    Perhaps someone's initials? I don't really know... It could be completely irrelevant, but you never know when it comes to this plot...

  4. Well, I just assembled my puzzle, and here is what I got. The red lines show where the puzzle pieces meet, and the green parts are where they don't match completely. The four extra pieces are placed next to their partner in the completed puzzle.


    I have to say, staring at it doesn't give me an answer.




    The spare piece at the top should have an N where the T is. The format in which I put my pieces together is similar to yours, and I've studied it intently... I still have barely anything...

  5. Sure why not? I can't figure out how Nigel would fit for the FQD riddle.


    There was probably two different clues that we didn't quite understand in that one.


    Famous Pink Uni, and FQD (Faerie queen doll)


    Something relating to one of those clues has to do with the stock market, owned by someone named Nigel. I personally don't understand how ALP fit in... O.o

  6. well than if there so far what is the number one???


    They refuse to tell us...


    They seem to have taken the platform that the FMG is better than us normal folk, and are the only ones worthy of completing the plot. :hmmph: :angry:

  7. well then if you people are so ahead,tell me how to get past overthrowing one and the number one?!


    I believe the overthrowing question is the last one, but in order to answer it, we need all the puzzle pieces. I still can't figure out the number question however...

  8. Oh Yes thats right.


    Though you can't deny it.

    WE are the Fantastic MSN group

    Whenever, there is a riddle, or a puzzle that needs solving, Only one group to call, The FMG.


    And before anyone says, We have made an oath that we do not give out Hints to the pubic

    (We;re denying a hint so you lot don't see the puzzle :()


    Pah, eletist...


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  9. Okay I will say this once, I passed that, That is NO Crossroad

    Nigel has nothing to do with a Pink Uni, FQD (faerie queen doll)


    Nigel is probaly the answer to Riddle 13 Which leads to 14 (= The maze)



    Well then, would you like to enlighten me as to how to pass the number question? I'd like to check this out for myself...


    And how would we have gotten the answer to a question we haven't seen yet if we can't even get most of the ones we're on?

  10. We have no hope of answering the overthrow question without all the pieces, and many people are confused as to how to get the remaining five.


    The question that asks about the famous pink uni is actually a crossroad with two different answers. One leads to the overthrow question, and the other leads to the remaining riddles.




    >>>>>> Invisible Maze (Overthrow)




    >>>>>> Remaining riddles


    Good luck, and I would also appreciate any help you guys can give on the remaining riddles.

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