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Everything posted by gilbertvonwoof

  1. In search of blue kacheek themed user lookup HTML or CSS because I have one named _CatBird_ This post has been edited by a member of staff (Duma) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please don't create multiple threads about the same question. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED.
  2. I have a blue kacheek named _CatBird_ and want my userlookup to be blue kacheek themed but cannot find one
  3. Thankyou very much for the help you gave.
  4. I made the image myself i was using their code as a base for I dont know how to do it myself
  5. This is what I have tried <div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"><img src="http://i.postimg.cc/BZg15fJj/Untitled13-20211024143921.png"></div> <div id="blog"> <div class="header">About Me</div> This layout was made by Del of <a href="http://www.neopets.com/~suprficial_007kau">NFW</a>. Put more about yourself here!Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here!Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here!Text here! Text here! Text here! <p> </p><div class="header">More?</div> Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here!Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here!Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here! Text here!Text here! Text here! <p> </p><div class="header">Neo Status</div> Neomail: Open<br> Neofriend Request: Only if I know you<br> Guild Invites: Close<br> Battledome Challenges: Close<br></div> <style> body { background: url("http://www.neo-faeriewings.com/userlookups/neggfaerie2look2.jpg"); } #content a b, a:link, a:visited { color: #9E0E32; } #content a:hover, a:hover, #content b:hover { color: #FF66CC; text-decoration: none; } td, p, body { color: #3B4510; font: 8pt verdana; } #footer, hr, #nst, .contentModuleHeader, .contentModuleHeaderAlt, #ban, #ncmall, #habitarium, #pushdown_banner { display: none; } .nav_image img { margin-left: -5px; } #navigation { position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 262px; z-index: 5; width: 698px; height: 0px; } ul.dropdown { border: 1px dotted #3E5B00; background-color: #C8DE61; } #main a, a b { color: #3E5B00; } #main a:hover, a b:hover { color: #99CC00; } .contentModule, .contentModuleTable, .contentModuleContent, #header, #main { border: none; background: none; } #main { margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } .contentModule b, .contentModule img { visibility: visible; } #userinfo .contentModuleTable { position: absolute; top: 231px; left: 256px; width: 290px; height: 295px; } #usercollections .contentModuleTable { position: absolute; left: 45px; top: 604px; width: 286px; height: 309px; } #usershop .contentModuleTable { position: absolute; left: 665px; top: 568px; width: 239px; height: 303px; } #userneohome .contentModuleTable { position: absolute; left: 388px; top: 571px; width: 239px; height: 303px; } #userneopets .contentModuleTable { position: absolute; left: 30px; top: 977px; width: 889px; height: 198px; } #usertrophies .contentModuleTable { position: absolute; left: 34px; top: 1245px; width: 887px; } .header { color: #F5FAAD; padding: 2px; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: 15px; background: #6B8C00; } #userneopets img { width: 100px; height: 100px; } #blog { position: absolute; top: 254px; left: 591px; width: 219px; height: 262px; overflow: auto; } </style> I tried reverse engineering This post has been edited by a member of staff (Duma) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please don't double post. Use the 'Edit' button or Multi Quote to reply to more than one post at once. Per the reason above, please review our SPAM rules.
  6. Can Someone please code this
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