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Posts posted by Unforrgiven

  1. I got 1325 points. I got a keyring for the trophy.

    It seems that you must have done all the steps of the plot to get that many points.

    Deck, Ravenous Monster, Codebreaker, Monstrous Moach, Repair the Ship, Petpetpet Horde.

    For the BD challengers, defeating them more than once for the plot was pointless :(


    I got 1000 pts and bought the book and the jaw bone.

  2. Can anyone help me with finding the spell book? I did the coordinates for the sleeper constallation, and put them where they were supposed to go, I still can't find my book.

  3. Sometimes it just takes a while to load (especially if you're on dial-up, or have been bumped back to dial-up speeds because you downloaded too many fonts this month >.<). Just open a window with it and then leave it for 5 minutes or so. If that still doesn't work make sure you've completed the other steps and that you have the latest flash player downloaded.

    Yup, the Altador plot is still do-able! Its the exception to the do-them-while-you-can rule of plots :P TDN's guide is here: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/altador-plot/index/



    Thank you for your reply......I'm stuck on the constellation...and the link isn't working for me. What should I do?

  4. Hi, I'm Stephanie and I live in Florida. I've been away from neopets for quite sometime now and recently created a new account. (my old one was no where to be found, wonder what happened to all my GOOD stuff!) Anyway, a lot has changed on neopets..I'm beginning to wonder if I can really get back into it like I was before. I feel like I'm tripping around everywhere, don't know which way to go. Like these plot things.....way new thing for me, didn't have them 5-6 years ago, that I can remember. Thank you for thedailyneopets.com, wonderful wonderful website, go there daily! I will post again soon!

  5. This is probably the wrong area to ask this question, if so I apologize, I'm new around here....can the Altador Plot still be done? Or once it's over it's over? Thank you...if I have posted in the wrong place, please let me know, I'll correct my mistake.

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