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  1. So, I know cheating is wrong on neopets and I personally don't do it. Just wanted to state that fact. Okay so my problem is that my sister decided that she no longer wants to use her neopet account. She transferred the neopets that she painted to a friend and being her sister she wants me to have the neopoints. Though I have had my account for over 10 years at this point and can't get it shut down. What do I do? I didn't play the games and do the dailys to bring it to a main account, my sister had her own and now she wants me to have her points. Is that still against the guidlines? I wasn't the one doing all the games so I wouldn't be able to be called for cheating would I? I know none of you probably work for TNT so you probably don't know the exact answer but some advice or anything would be good. Thank you!
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