Hey folks, I'm looking for some advice as I try to make a decision.
The last year or so I've been playing on a relatively new account (from 2014). Just the past month I was able to get into two of my older accounts with help from Tony, and I'm super grateful to him. One is from 2008 and one is from 2005. I started the process of gaining access to these accounts because I wanted to see if there was any cool stuff in there and to play on the older account to make more neopoints from food club. It's been fun to look in both accounts and find some treasures, but now I'm conflicted about actually moving my main to those.
In my new account I have 272 avatars, 322 stamps (including some really expensive ones), 15 game trophies, site event trophies from the latest altador cup, etc. Basically, I've worked really hard to get my account to where it is now. The old accounts have a few retired avatars in them, a couple cool site event trophies, but hardly any stamps.
I submitted a ticket to ask if it's possible to move stuff over to my oldest account and Alice told me no. I'm finding the prospect of moving everything over manually daunting (though I know I could find some enjoyment in the process), and the idea of not having all my avies and stamps kinda devastating. On the other hand, I could make neopoints much faster on my oldest account and that would go a long way towards recollecting avies and stamps.
What would you do? I know ultimately I have to make the choice my self but I'm dreading having to choose, so any insight would be really helpful!