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Posts posted by Arkilite

  1. Hi


    I see people with robot petpets and i really want one. Like how do u get a robot petpet like a robot meowclops or something like that. Like if you already have the petpet how do u paint it robot? I haven't heard of the robot paintbrush and the petpet labortory only works when it is attached to a pet. How else can u get a robot petpet without have to buy it off someone else thanks heaps!!!!


    Arkilite :graduated:

  2. Hi everybody:


    hi everyone i'm new here u can all call me Arkilite. Of cause that's not my real name. Anyway i joined this forum because it helped me alot during the lost isle plot. Well i'm haveing trouble defeating the 2nd battle dome challenger or for part 4. Can anybody give me a list of good weapons or potions that is at a very reasonable price thanks!!!!



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