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Posts posted by pandoratehpython

  1. 32 minutes ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    I think many are feeling this way, with this "never ending" plot:


    However, once it is over, I'm sure they will feel like this:


    They (JS) did say this plot would be ending "soon", and I'm sure it would be before the AC, but they did promise a Daily Dare, too. Hoping it will "wrap up" before, or at the end of this month, so we can have the Daily Dare in May, have a "break" in June, then roll into the AC in July.

    What is Daily Dare? I haven't used the site frequently in so long so I've never heard of it. 

  2. Well, hopefully it ends soon. I love doing my dailies even though I hadn't logged on in nearly forever. Neopets used to be so different when I was younger. Honestly it was just a site to play games on, do faerie quests/side quests, collect neopoints, do dailies, and creating/taking care of/painting your Neopet. I wish the site was like it used to be. I honestly dislike the plots they came out with, just my opinion. But hey, some people enjoy it I suppose. I just can't wait for Wraith Resurgence to be over. ?

  3. Does anyone know when the Wraith Resurgence plot will actually end? Or if it ever will? I hadn't used Neopets in awhile and when I finally decided to log on, I seen this plot going on, and it causing the mysterious purple haze on certain areas of the site. My computer is far too slow at loading, so this has become extremely annoying to me, especially considering the fact that I cannot access certain Neopets Dailies, such as Coltzan's Shrine, Tombola, The Omelette, And The Jelly. 


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