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Posts posted by CookieBox

  1. I just don't get this whole thing ! Why are there so many report happy users ~ if I see someone looks fishy . I just ignore and moves on unless they Harass me or attack me . seen too many UC frozen related drama on pc recently and some of the users who got frozen are actually legit ( I know them for years and regularly talk to ) I mean , as long as the other users is not a bully , why stalk or report ?


    I ve even been through more rediculous thing . There was this user who puts on there lookup "looking for a UC faerie blah blah blah . If you know one UFT please neomail me " and my sister has a WN faerie UC she painted herself years ago . So I politely neo mailed this using saying my sister has a UC faerie pet and she is looking for a RN/RW pet . So if you are interested .please tell me . I can let her neomail you . And ! She she replied saying " I be already reported you because I think you are a pet buyer / harassing me " although I didn't get frozen because I never did so . But seriously??????


    Anyone here agree with me ? Or had similar experiences ? So many report happies and insane players nowadays . Neo used to be a friendly community though :(

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