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Posts posted by GlenCoco

  1. I'm currently reading two books (I enjoy reading multiple books at the same time, so I can choose depending on which mood I am). The first one is a young adult sci fi book named illuminae. It's more of a script of chat conversations than a book, but it's enjoyable. The only problem is that the book is hard cover which makes it impossible to fit in my school bags (it is heavy enough as it is haha!) I am also reading devils by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I haven't really completely understood the plot yet, mainly because I've read it in noisy placed and I'm not used to this kind of litterature in english, but yeah. hopefully it will become much clearer as it progresses.

  2. midnight_spell360: thanks a lot! That is actually what I like the most of ~international~ forums with people from many different countries and cultures. I think it's neccessary to understand the world and how it is; talking to people from different cultures and so on. So it will definitely be fun. + I really miss having a place where I can talk about neopets without people looking at me like I'm crazy for putting so much effort and emotional content in a "kids" game :P  

    Oops, apparently, I was too hasty on the keyboard. The name should be sacrificed_warrior, not warriors :)


    alexinwonderland: And none for gretchen weiners bye! It's gotten to a point where that movie isn't even a guilty pleasure it's more like a part of who I am, haha! Since I live in Sweden I try to go to the festivals where many foreign bands and artists are playing (because if I miss them there's a chance I have to wait a couple of years until the next opportunity :(). I actually just came back from a music and arts festival where Sigur Rós and Kraftwerk played, it was magical!

  3. Yeah, I usually avoid the scratchcards too. Not because they are expensive but because I'm too lazy to bother to actually click nine times, hahaha! Well, that + I don't like getting my hopes up with two 10 000 NP-cards and then not winning the prize :(

  4. Hi everybody!


    I was active on this forum a loooooooooong time ago (seriously, I think it must have been 8 years ago, oh god I'm getting old), but I couldn't find my profile so I decided to create a new one. After all, we get new cells every 7 years so I'm basically a new person, isn't that how it works? haha! 


    On my spare time, meaning when I'm not playing meepit juice break (that song really is extremely catchy!), I study engineering physics, and go to music festivals (mostly to enjoy the lángos).


    Yeah anyways it's fun to be back. I don't remember much from my time here, but I remember that I enjoyed it a lot! :)

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