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Posts posted by dr0p_d3ad_g0rg30us

  1. Unfortunately this has been a common problem as of late. In 2012 there was a data breach, but no information was leaked so the TNT at the time didn't do anything about it. It was probably a couple months ago when this data was leaked on the internet and the new TNT run by JumpStart was made aware. Because of this they changed login details on certain accounts affected by this if the password wasn't changed in a while. This was done to ensure the account stayed with it's owner and wasn't stolen. The only thing you can do right now is send in your ticket and await a response. You can also poke them on Facebook with your ticket number. Please don't send in multiple tickets or email them on their support address if you've sent in a ticket. Do one or the other or else it clogs up the system even more and makes the wait longer. It takes a bit to get a response from them so just be patient. If you'd like to keep playing in the meantime create a side account if you don't have one already and use that as your main account until you can get into your account.


    So weird, I had heard about that but why wouldn't reset password work. :( so annoying

  2. Hi guys! Does anyone else have an issue with neopets not recognizing a password?

    It logged me out like 2 months ago and said my pw was wrong, (i had had the same one for years so I knew it wasn't wrong)

    Sent a ticket, tried to reset the pw and it keeps saying it's wrong.. but seriously it's not :/ 

    I went to the facebook page and I see some people having the same issues, did anyone here have the same issue and get it fixed? :/ I sent another email today asking them for help but I'm not holding my breath :( 

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