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Posts posted by funkeh_renn

  1. I was pressing ctrl+R in the shops while I was rsing and I think I must have pressed something else by accident because now the neopets website is this big... (Only for the neopets site, not happening with others)





    I restarted my computer etc. and its still the same. o_O What have I done? I have to change it soon because its so tiny, which is uncomfortable on my eyes.



    EDIT: No need I've figured out what I've done ^^ hehehehe I zoomed out XPPPP I'm such an idiot.


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  2. I haven't got the labmap yet (I'm very close) but I spent some nps on a friend and I'm also focusing on investing in the stockmarket.



    I'm over half way there...


    I think it will be exciting, but I won't zap my favourite pet (Melodae)... And I'll hope I zap some avatar pets ^^ And a Carrot Chia because those are incredibly cute. ^^



    You obviously have very negative feelings towards the ebil zapper XPP *gives coffee* I respect what you are saying.

  3. I'm proudest of My Volcano Run II avatar.. and my Buzzer Game Avatar. *shrugs* I love game avatars. I'm so close to typing terror but that game is based on luck, I was 25 points away the other day.



    My avlog account is funkeh_renn



    I just got Alien Aisha, does anyone have ideas about which avatar I should go for next?




    Sutek's Tomb


    Magax Destroyer


    Evil Eliv Thade




    Mortog Smooch


    Wheel of Mediocrity


    Tyranu Evavu


    Always visit the Island Mystic once a day.


    And play Kacheek Seek ^^


    Put these petpets on your pet: Snicklebeast, Harris, Huggy

  4. I know moderators need alot of common sense to sort out things most of the time, but sometimes things can be a little too much on common sense and may make it seem inconsistent.


    Surely the last post in this topic:





    Was adequate contribution?


    Okay, I've done some intensive study on autism recently. I'm going to let everyone know that the mercury in the vaccinations are harmless. It is a certain type of mercury that is easily flushed out of the body. I mean, there are countries out there that only give vaccinations with mercury in them, and those countries have a lower autism rate than the United States. I believe autism is related to the amount of pollution in the environment, which may cause a mutation in a gene, causing autism. Apparently, they've even detected the gene with the "autism mutation." Many things can cause the mutation, such as the environment the mother is in.


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  5. A post that bumps an old (more than 14 days) topic back up



    I was just thinking that the time period is a bit err ridiculous, don't take that the wrong way, it was the easiest word I could find ^^


    I think just about every forum I go to has it at least at 30 days and then in forums such as roleplaying/fanfics/debates they do not have it because debates can go on for a while, and people may have put some research into one debate, so deleting that topic (locked ones when you clean up the forum) because, "They can always make another one." loses alot of people's hard work. There was recently a situation like that on a forum I know who had clean ups only every 30 days... and a really large ongoing debate was deleted..losing pages (because some of us like to write ALOT when we debate) and everyone flamed the moderator even though it wasn't their fault =/ But it did lead to a change in how the system works.


    Plus this isn't the most active of forums I've seen so it makes more sense to have a longer 'bumping period'.

  6. The size of them is kinda bugging me.


    I really like the 2nd and the 4rth


    On the second one i love the colors you used they go very well together. Tho the text is sorta hard to spot. But it fits in so dont worry about it.


    The 4rth one the border is odd. But its unique which is always good. I love the render you used. Colors are good and i love the effetc you put to the left side of her. Good job



    What about the size? ^^


    2nd & fourth on which post?


    I'm taking a guess at first post.

    Thanks alot ^^


    I like the last one. Did you photoshop or draw it?

    The airplane one is interesting


    Photoshop... None of these are drawn by hands. The images/renders on each one weren't done by me but the backgrounds are completely from scratch by me.


    Wow, you're really good. Is it photoshoped though?


    Thanks.... I hope the 'though' wasn't used in a negative way. Its just that some people seem to think that photoshop is easy, and anyone can make something look good in it. =) its not, and I've used at least 5 different graphics programs in my life so I have something to compare from previous experience, photoshop is complicated and all of these apart from the plane one took at least 2 hours...as much as a few days for some, as there is alot of deliberation...and layers in them ^^

  7. 1. 9.5/10-I like the texture of the Airplane. And how it kind of looks like someone cut out a plane from a sheet of notebook paper and put it on top of a napkin. ^_^

    2. 9/10-Love the colours. :) It looks like the Pokemon thing is underwater. :)

    3. 8.5/10-The image you used was great, but near the skull thing on his hat, it looks a little blurred. But the background is nice. :)

    4. 10/10 Awesome background, image and colour scheme!


    Nice graphics. :D Which program do you use to make them?



    Thanks so much! ^^ I use photoshop CS3.





    Request for someone.




    Again a request. (they asked for it to be mirrored ^^)




    I've always liked this one but other people don't usually ^^

  8. You can't argue that magic doesn't exist, but you can't really argue that it exist. Either way it's a dead end until there is some evidence.

    But I think this world have magic that are unknown. And it remains unknown for its reasons. It's like the old civillisations. It seems like they can do 'unearthly' things that would be seen as impossible. And we would think that if they could really do those things, then how come we don't? How come it's not like electricity, which we still know about?

    Maybe it's because that they discovered that the powers could ruin the world and decided to destroy the evidence?

    Magic could be anywhere and everywhere. Maybe it's so insignificant and 'normal' that we don't even notice it at all. Maybe magic is something we all take for granted and any other magic is just our greed of power?



    We can speculate though ^^




    I think magic like talking to the dead....hocus pocus...etc. all of that is not real. If there is a life after death, it makes more logical sense to me that its in a world that can't reach ours...like a one way door. ^^


    I think the only type of magic there is the sort of power of will, mind over matter. But then thats not even magic, what is magic anyway? *shrugs* Love could be magic, its non-material...and yet its such a great force, not saying this is my view, just trying to put myself in the shoes of someone else. Anyway, back to mind over matter. How do people walk over hot coal(without any trickery)/survive near death experiences where they SHOULD have died..by the strength of their will, to ignore their bodily pain, and strive to survive. I think that is one of the only proven otherworldliness.

  9. pussinboots1.png


    That was done maybe 2 years ago now! hahahaha XPP I remember it took me hours with the mouse but I was so proud of it. I used fireworks.








    Infected Mew,That was done with pixels...ages ago. Credit for the pokemon infection idea goes to Esepibe (was at a forum I knew, but I think he has a deviant)




    Okay, again pitiful.




    Why is he holding a box? Because this box is hiding.....STRAWBERRY SWEETIES!


    More seriously, its for my lookup I made (funkeh_renn)

  10. bluepaperplanebg1.png


    I was thinking of doing a theme with this..like for a petpage or lookup, see, it looks like its cut out...? What are your thoughts?








    SOTW entry for another forum.





    Made as a request...





    hehe love this one.


    EDIT: I also have some pokemon spritework I done years ago.. I don't make them anymore but I might post some soon.

  11. I haven't been in here in at least a year... roughly that. ^^



    I left because I went on hiatus from neo because of school work ^^ I needed time to sort out my priorities so I could do my homework before going on neo, not the other way around.




    Sooo... *ponders*



    I'm going to look around...probably hang out in the graphics area. ^^

  12. I have 159 Avatars.

    My avlog account is the same as my username here.



    And I have some nice avatars in that bunch:


    ZDAP (My favorite)



    Dubloon Disaster (So proud of this)


    ^^ Those are the ones I'm most proud of at the moment.



    I'm close to alot of gaming ones at the moment, they just need a fortnight more of practice.

  13. The hardest one was the favorite adding thing... I knew they had to be ones on the list, so I kept adding... and was wondering why it was completing... And realized 2 minutes ago it was because my favorites were full ^^


    XPP Done them all now, so far.

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