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Posts posted by minimickey008

  1. People find the Mona Lisa intrigueing because she smiling as if she has something to hide and people want to find out the mystery behind the smile. Also, I guess Leonardo was a very mysterious man and liked people to contemplate over his inventions and paintings and life. I researched him a few years ago for an assignment, and he was really successful, no way society will forget him anytime soon! (that's if they do forget him which I highly doubt). Oh and The DaVinci Code story is fiction, when they talk about Jesus and his wife and stuff, it's not true. Some bits may be but hardly any.

  2. Some other programs are Macromedia Flash and Macromedia Fireworks. You have to buy them though, I don't think that they're downloadable. Maybe you can download them on a free thirty day trial i think.

  3. No it doesn't mean English Exam. It means Enterprise Education aka Business. We did Accounting this term and just finished Part B for our exams yesterday. No Tash, I haven't got my marks yet but I hope I got an A.

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