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Posts posted by pigliapochi

  1. I am trying to get the Mortog one... I just NEVER have enough luck.

    In general, I have no luck on Neopets, except for the Imposter Apple avvie, which I got after a few days.... the others one.....no chance........for example, with the lever avatar, I spent more than 150 k and still nothing,..

  2. I also had problems with Trudy's Surprise, not with the amount of NP but with the Gift Box; I am an italian player and everytime I log in Neopets displays first the italian page. A few days ago I received the NP and this gift box, while I was on the italian page, but I could not open it, finding a message saying that in order to open it, the NC mall should be valid in my country and language.  Is it ok? How can I come up with this? Thanks.... :sad02:

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