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Posts posted by tinytamarin

  1. I'm finishing up The Lost World by Michael Crichton. I don't know how I've gone so long without reading any of his books! Got Jurassic Park at the free book exchange we have at work and devoured it, then found The Andromeda Strain at a thrift store a couple months ago. Had to order The Lost World online to get my dinosaur fix. :)


    We also just randomly started a "Books That Are Movies" club at work. First one on the list is Gone Girl, so I'll be picking that one up from the library as soon as I'm finished reading about the velociraptors killing everyone. :P

  2. Something that someone once suggested to me is to pick a shop (a bookstore, pharmacy, etc.) and look that up on Jellyneo's item database. There you can select the store, sort by price, and start to familiarize yourself with the items in the store. You can look at the item, see what it sells for in-store and also what it sells for on the Shop Wizard/Trading Post so you can figure out which items will make a profit. It's been really helpful for me, though I've stopped trying to RS since the lag issues started.


    Good luck!

  3. Yeah, definitely went through the whole 'too cool for silly Neopets' bit after middle school. I think I popped on once or twice in college just to see if the place still existed. Then a few months ago I saw an article about "Things I Learned from Neopets", decided all of the things were true and that I needed to try it again. Just to see. And then I kept coming back... every... single...day. I've told a couple of my co-workers about my silly addiction and they just laugh at me, but in an endearing sort of way (or so I tell myself). I'm an adult and make super great adult decisions! =P

  4. Hello, everyone! I've been a long-time lurker of TDN and figured it was about time to join the awesome forums!


    I played Neopets a lot when I was in middle school, fell out of it for a long while. Joined back up with a new account a few months ago (forgot all my old info... drat!) and have been obsessed ever since. Most of my time on Neopets these days is just doing my dailies and getting some fun RPing done. Will get back into gaming once the site gets running a bit more smoothly - gotta save up for some PBs and customizations!


    So there's my introduction! Can't wait to meet some awesome people on here!

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