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Posts posted by Stina

  1. It took me forever to get past level four! I don't know why. Its when I realized there were those elite crew. Then level five took me a while, but not as much times as four. I think by the time I got to five I was new there was going to be more. I just wiped out all the elite so I didn't have to worry about getting caught.

  2. I was really confused too.


    A figuring it out is to go through and find the messages with just ONE modifier in it. (For me there were all about space weather) but all you have to do was drag the code into the modifier one box (I started with one and worked my way down) one of the ten codes will be right. You can either do all of the single modifier ones or just enough so that the INCOMPLETE DATA signs at the bottom of the 2 modifier messages are gone. Because you can't complete the code if it says INCOMPLETE DATA.


    The second modifier one is harder. You have two to figure out. What I did to start off was to put the 1st code in the first modifier box and then the second code in the second modifer box and worked my way down. The good thing about the second modifier is that it doesn't matter which way the code is inputed. To clarify: if you used code 1 as modifier one and code 5 as modifier 2, you don't have to switch the codes (code 5 as modifier one and code 1 as modifier 2) they are the same answer.


    Modifier three I used the link TDN gave us. :D


    Hope that helps.

  3. Overall I would give picture number one 8.5 out of ten.


    First because I would like to see who she is hugging (I see now it was Tidus... since you said so) and secondly because I think the blue font needs to be a little softer or a different color. I found it hard to look it.


    Otherwise its beautiful! I really love the overexposed look in the back and having it fade to white with a guild will make it look amazing.


    Picture two: 7/10


    Just because I didn't know what they were doing but it still looks good!

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