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Posts posted by Lessa

  1. I thought I was the only one experiencing problems that I was close to throwing my computer across my room... aha... but now that I know this is on a larger scale... so now my computer's safe lol


    I had given up on Neopets about 8 years ago, after the whole thing was rebooted and got the NC mall (I was really upset about how our pets no longer had cool poses). Now I'm kinda over it, but then Habitarium got taken away and that got me utterly disappointed. Now I'm just seriously hoping that the glitches and slow speeds are fixed in the near future. Things like this substantially decreases the amount of users playing Neopets. I remember before Neopocalypse II, between 7,000-12,000 players came here on a daily basis... but now that number has dwindled down to about 3,000 players daily. Hopefully with the new ownership, things will change for the better and people will go back on and be happy about the changes people have been wanting for a very long time. :) Personally, I'm not aware of the changes Jumpstart has done since I put the site on StayFocusd and therefore can never stay there for too long... can anybody fill me in? Both on changes that have been done and will be done in the future? Thanks! :)

  2. I've had a few accounts too~! :) I think the earliest I started was 12, but then took a long long break, and now I've become active again and am 20 years old. :) It's nice to know a lot of people have stuck around for so long, but also wonder about younger generations... I want them to help make neopets last. ^_^


    The tunic was awarded to those who guessed correctly, but it appears that the staff and tonic were awarded for those who submitted their answers earlier. I personally put the wrong answer and still got everything but the tunic because I submitted on the first day of the countdown.

    Ah, I see. What a bummer D: I should have just guessed the first day then instead of trying to solve it out till the last few hours. XD Thanks for the reply!

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