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Posts posted by madam_scarlet

  1. In retrospect I realize I probably could have used a blocker site or something, but it seemed like an easy fix...just don't have access to the password. It was a dumb mistake, I see that now, I just hope it hasn't cost me everything and they're willing to see I was trying to be responsible.


    I already had to rebuild from my childhood account when they wouldn't let me back in....this was "the rebuild" and it was more successful than I could have ever dreamed, but there was so much more I wanted to do. I would hate to start all again.

  2. I think you have done the right thing explaining your situation clearly in a ticket, I really feel for you because I too am pretty addicted to neo and have been playing for years, its only now that Im having problems with repetative strain injury that Im forced to cut back too


    I hope that TNT will read what you have said and give you your account back, you were being responsible and you wrote a clear explanation here so there should be no problem for them understanding you and why you did what you did..it was not trying to break rules etc so personally I think when they read that they will unfreeze your account


    of course the question is when?? are you premium? they tend to be quicker if so


    I really hope so. I've worked years on that account. I just hope I was clear enough in explaining everything.

    But no, I'm not a premium. So who knows how long I'll have to wait. :(

  3. That's a pretty sad situation, I think you should have just said that you were on moblie and liked changing your pw frequently. :x

    I guess you'll have to wait for their response and if they're nice enough to listen to the appeal. D:


    I thought of something like that...but I really didn't want to lie. If they caught me lying then I definitely wouldn't get my account back. At least if I honestly explain I made a mistake, there might be some hope.


    Besides, my friend doing this for me is in another country. I don't think I could explain a mobile device going on neopets jumping from country to country.

  4. I was trying to be responsible about playing neopets and I made a dumb mistake, and now I'm frozen. I submitted a ticket explaining the situation, but I'm wondering what advice people have/if anyone has actually managed to get back a frozen account/what my chances are.


    These past two months I was spending way too much time on neopets, it was messing with my schoolwork. I was playing to the point of distraction, and I really needed a way to cut back. I tried logging off, but I'd just log back on again and play another 3 hours instead of doing my papers.


    So I came up with the idea to have a friend change my password. I would log in, play my games, feed my pets, etc. Have an allotted amount of time, and then log off. My friend would then log back in and change my password, so I couldn't get back in until I completed whatever I needed to, at which point he would give me the new password.


    It worked great! I was back on track! I got caught up on all my school work, it was way better. I put a little note on my user lookup addressed to TNT (the way people write that they use their mobile for neopets) saying there would be multiple logins and password changes, but that it was "authorized" and I was just trying to time manage.


    It never occurred to me that this counted as "sharing accounts."


    I got cut off in the middle of playing a game today, and tried to log back in...only to be told I was frozen for sharing accounts.


    My friend never did anything other than change my password, so it never crossed my mind that this qualified as sharing accounts, but now I totally see how it does. But my friend never played games, fed my pets, nothing. He just changed passwords and logged off.


    I spent years working on this account, years. I'm training a pet, I have millions in savings, and I frequently adopt and zap pets to give to new owners. Just today I gave a Chocolate Kau to a new owner after many zaps.


    I explained in my ticket I was just trying to be more responsible about my time on neopets, that I was trying to still enjoy and love my pets, but with responsibility and not have it interfere with my schoolwork. I've never had any previous offenses or warnings.


    I was just trying to "neopian responsibly" but now I realize this was in the wrong. I wrote this all up in a ticket, but does anyone have any advice? What do you think my chances are of ever seeing my pets again?

  5. Ah, I sold it yesterday for 57k. I was pleased with it. I should ask the person who bought it if they won. Thank you for the tips!

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  6. I just ended up with a Bagguss Bonanza Scratchcard. I'm wondering if I should sell it, or take the risk and scratch it.


    Last time I took a risk when I got a Geb Gajilllionaire Scratchcard and ended up with nothing, so I'm reluctant to try it again. That was like...forever ago. This is my first actually decent scratchcard in ages.


    Anyone have personal experience with this card? Did you end up with something good or nothing at all? I'm just wondering how likely my chances are.

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