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Maya Bashkir

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Posts posted by Maya Bashkir

  1. 1. Are you male, female, or an it? Female.

    2. What is your favorite color? RED

    3. What is your favorite food? Watermelon flavoured anything.

    4. Occupation? uuh... I work at Chucky Cheese. :/

    5. Where in the world do you live? Canada

    6. Do you have hobbies? What are they? Reading, writing short articles, photography, swimming, web design, a crap load of ther things.

    7. Are or aren't you vegetarian? Yes.

    8. Are you religious? Atheist

    9. What are you wearing right now? Skinny jeans (but not TOO skinny), legwarmers, and a grey top that says "Make music, not war".

    10. Are you bored of this quiz now? To be honest with you, no.

    11. Will you keep going? Duh.

    12. What is your favorite baby girl name? Izzy.

    13. What is your favorite baby boy name? Graham.

    14. Do you plan on getting married? Nope.

    15. Who do you liiiiike? Not on the internet for eneryone to see!

    16. What was your best birthday ever? 15th.

    17. What was the worst thing that ever happened to you? I dropped my iPod in the toilet.

    18. Are you proud of yourself? Yeah.

    19. We're almost done! Are you happy? Sure.

    20. All done! Are you absolutely bored to tears? Nope! You're such a liar.

  2. Not really, but I did paint it. :yes:

    There is this one place called Amazing Glaze (Puns, rock!) and they already have the figures made. All you need to do is pick one out, sit down at a table, and paint to your heart's content.



    Ah, well you did a good jub painting it. :)

    "Amazing Glaze"? Haha, puns DO rock.

  3. My name is Maya and I play neopets under the username macro_artist.


    I live in Canada, but I don't have a pet beaver (you wouldn't believe how many people ask that). Actually, I've never even seen a living beaver, and if I did I'd probably try to hit it with my car.


    I am a city girl and I like pears, Bench clothing and reading.


    I really, really, really love reading. My fovourite book by FAR is From the Corner of His Eye by Dean Koontz (even though the ending was rather disappointing).


    Apparently I was this sites 2000th member, or something of the sort. That makes me feel sorta special (not special ed. special, more like my new Guess purse special).


    I really only made a board here so I could introduce myself and maybe meet some new people so uhh... hello!


    <3 Maya Bashkir; supreme leader of all that is PEAR.

  4. oh cool, and this is a day where you can get the illusen day avvie

    also is it me or are teh quality of the CC getting diferent



    The quality of the caption contests DOES seem to be decreasing.

    Like.. there's hardly any shading on the characters within it. That's probably why they look defferent.

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