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Posts posted by beashtfuffytail

  1. Oh! I thought it might help speed up the process t have more than one. Alright, then, I'll lend him out privately. Thank you!

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  2. Hi! I've been using Neopets off and on since...I'd say about 2001, but I just now signed up for TDN. I'm an avid avatar hunter who would very much like to be included in the lending program! I like drawing, and if I had to pick a favorite neopet I'd probably say Korbat, but I also love Boris, Moehogs, and Usuls. My flock includes Toofy the Bori, Angelica the Zafara, Winona the Gnorbu, TJ the acara, Lucy the Aisha, Delilah the Korbat, Hudson the Ixi, Almond the Usul, and the twin Cybunnies Adelaide and Aiden. I hoard pets I guess hehe.

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