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Posts posted by benjithekid

  1. I admit to losing steam. I think I just needed a brief break. After playing WoW all day, I feel hyped again. I feel bad that I didn't get in many games yesterday. I managed 200 games of SoSD right before the clock ticked midnight NST. Which isn't bad.


    I'm really, really happy to see the results. Let's stop talking about losing steam and talk about that, since I'm sure some of you were just as pleased to see them. My measly 200 games of SoSD doesn't feel like it helped much. But I'm sure it contributed a bit (I was happy to see that the past few days I've been playing 500 games of SoSD a day and we've been winning it lol made me feel like I was helping somewhat). But we bounced back. A sweep, it appears. I hope this is a good sign.


    Keep up the good work minions. Don't push yourselves, but don't give up, either. We're a strong team and I know we're full of dedicated players.


    And now, it's practice day. So I'm going to slack as my wrist is tired. Gets tired fast. Darn nerve damage. Might not make All Star this year. But I'm at least going for a gold shield.

  2. Yeah, the results were kind of rough to take in. But Brightvale did great these past two days, so I'm glad for them at least.


    It doesn't look like we'll have a podium spot, but those All Star trophies are definitely pretty and shiny and will go along greatly with my two from the past two years. :D

  3. Good job getting three adopted out already. I've tried to use my labray for that purpose, but have yet to get a colour and species combo that anyone actually shows interest in. Maybe one day.


    One of my permanent pets, a Darigan Grarrl (that is currently on a side since I had to cancel premium but usually sits on my main with my other favorites) came from a person like you. A random user on the boards who had zapped her and upon being told by me that I'd always wanted a Darigan, adopted her out to me. That was gosh, two years ago? Maybe even three years ago. But thinking about it still makes me happy to this day. :)

  4. I'm not really a bandwagon type, either. I have a friend I speak to online who is. She's constantly pushing me to read a lot of the popular series'. To date, the only one I've liked that she recommended was The Hunger Games. Though it was NO Harry Potter. I find most of the "bandwagon" books to be dry, predictable, and hard to get through. I assumed Harry Potter would be like that. Boy was I wrong. I, too, have a hard time putting a book down once I'm involved. I went to a midnight release for Twilight once (sister is a fan, she dragged me along) and it was horrifying. Never again! There's a reason I try to avoid the bandwagon stuff. lol


    I really would like to read them again. It was fun getting lost in the world she created. For several moments, it almost felt real. I could start reading a page and look at the clock hours later to realize I'd read several chapters... It was always one of those books for me.


    I can't write from an animals perspective, to be honest. I've tried once (from a dogs), but it fell flat. Both of us lost interest after ten posts. It was interesting, though, trying. I don't have any links to my writing on me... there are forums, but I'm not sure it would be okay to link them here. I have a journal, but most of the stuff there is marked private. If I get a chance this week, I'll set up a journal with some in it and link you. Just the Harry Potter stuff. As I write a LOT. Novels, too.



    TToTT It's no fair, I get kicked off every Harry Potter RP'ing site I join.

    They just can't handle the slytherin :P

    Aww. I've only been kicked off one. And that was because of a misunderstanding. After a while, was even invited back once they realized who was really at fault haha.

  5. Meanwhile, TY, AL, KI, MD, RI, and KL will all be in a bracket together.



    That sounds like one terrifying bracket. Everyone in that bracket would probably not get much rest as they'd feel it necessary to play their heart out every day haha


    We got a win in Slushie Slinger against RI. That's something. Don't feel discouraged, minions. Third is still a possibility, even if it seems slimmer and slimmer every day. We can still fight for it. Let's keep playing our own hearts out.

  6. Good job guy's! We lost and we nearly got swept, but it was a fair match!

    Thank you. It was definitely a fun match! :D


    I'm worried about the bracket we're in. When I refreshed and saw all those teams... Aye. Let's do our best, though. I played as much as I could today before my wrist started hurting. I'm not sure we can pull a win against AL, but maybe we can at least give them a close call.

  7. I'm a little late in the conversation and I don't feel like reading through everything at the moment, but I saw the title and figured I'd peek in.


    I'm a pretty avid Harry Potter fan. I tend to call myself a "late bloomer" with the series. I actually received each book every year for five years (this was before 6 and 7 came out) for Christmas. It was a tradition for my mother to get me the books. In order. I never read them, though. I loved the movies and she knew I liked to read, so I figure she assumed I'd read them. However, they collected dust on my bookshelf. Until one day, I finally broke down and cracked them open. My problem was that I could never get past the first one. I had trouble with it because of their age. Once I got past it, though, I couldn't put the books down. I finished the first five within a week and then I was scrambling to the library to check out six and seven. Sadly, my mother hasn't gotten me a Harry Potter book since. I have my fingers crossed for this year as I only need 6 and 7 to complete my set. I finished the series in 2009, in any case.


    I haven't read them since but as of late, I've been contemplating taking them off my bookshelf and giving them another read. When almost four years go by since you last read a book, you tend to forget small details. I love the movies, as well, but the books are far superior (doesn't ever reader tell you that?). My sister got me most of the movies for Christmas this past year, though. It's a collection set. It came with DVDs 1-5 (I believe it was 1-5. Maybe it was 1-6, I'm not home so I can't check) and has a set of bookmarks and some collectible cards, too. It's pretty neat. It was the best present I got last year (and one of my other presents was an ereader, lol). I think my eyes were the size of quarters when I opened it.


    I don't write fanfics really. And I never ship any of the canon characters. I have this thing about canons. I hate writing them and I hate when other people write them. I rarely find someone who can do them justice. I used to roleplay canon characters. The only ones I ever tried were Ginny, Hermione, and Draco. I got compliments on my Draco. Was told that I kept him closer to the original character than anyone else they'd roleplayed with to date. Made me feel good, but I haven't roleplayed him since. Nor do I plan on it. I do roleplay Harry Potter on a regular basis, but I always create original characters. For one, what's the point in getting lost in JKR's world if you're going to use her characters? The Wizarding world has so many opportunities. Why not create your own within it? I have a few original characters that I love to use for Harry Potter roleplay (however, they are easily made into er... "muggles" lol).


    As far as my house, I'm not sure. It's hard to say. Most quizzes put me in Slytherin. Pottermore put me in Slytherin every single time I took the quiz. Without fail. And I guess that makes sense. I'm ambitious, I can be a bit... cunning, I tend to be independent and usually stick within a small group of people (within my own "circle", I guess in Slytherin that would be other Slytherins), and I'm pretty darn determined. I don't mind being called a Slytherin, either. I never saw them as a bad house. Rather, a misunderstood one. Of course many bad wizards come from Slytherin. Slytherin is full of ambitous Wizards. Ambitious people are far more likely to achieve their goals than those who are not ambitious. That aside, I believe I possess some Hufflepuff traits, as well. The vast majority of quizzes agree that I'm a Slytherin, though, so I'll go with that. I've only had Hufflepuff come up maybe once or twice. I've never gotten Gryffindor or Ravenclaw as a result. Literally never.

  8. Rank ten. Hoping on All Star by the end, but I'm taking it slow. Figure that if I end up behind, I can just get all the games in on the last day. Even if it's ninety games, it will be possible. Though, according to the pet page I check frequently, I'm on track. Feels like I'm behind since there are so many people at rank 14 and higher already. But I don't think I am.

  9. I'm fairly certain I've taken this test before, but I don't remember the outcome. I know I always get Introverted, so that was no surprise. I'm INTJ, though.


    Introvert(78%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(38%) Judging(11%)
    • You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%)
    • You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
    • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)
    • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)

    I've noticed there tends to be a lot more Introverts on forums. I've always been curious of the reasoning behind that.

  10. Woo more DCers. :D


    Yeah, I'm surprised I'm almost rank 9 to be honest. I've been pressed for time. I only barely manage to get in my games every day. Squeezing them in whenever time permits haha This weekend has been slow, though, so I've had time to kick back and play YYB.


    I'm sure I'll enjoy it here. Thanks for the welcomes.

  11. Figured I might as well do one of these. ~


    I go by Benji online. So, just call me that I suppose.

    My favorite Neopets colors are Maraquan, Darigan, and Faerie. But especially Darigan.

    My favorite Neopets (that I own) are, as a result, Maraquan, Darigan, and Faerie.

    I'm a two time Darigan supporter All Star. This will be my third year (hopefully).

    I've been playing Neopets for six years on my main account. I had an older account that would be something like 11 years old. Or somewhere around there. But I only played on it for a year. So, in total, I've been on Neo for seven years.

    I haven't been on Neo much this past year, but it's still a favorite pastime of mine. I come back for the AC, but I enjoy the occasional game of KeyQuest and the plots.

    Other than Neopets, I love writing, WoW, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, reading, the Sims, crime drama shows, and fairs.

    I'm a long time tdn lurker, first time joiner. So, hi. :)

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