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Posts posted by Excel

  1. I don't think I can send it to you until I've had it for 1 week. Can anyone else confirm this? I know it's true with pounding pets but not sure if the same goes for transferring them.


    If you're willing to wait then you have a deal! What gender and name would you prefer? You can always PM me if you'd like.


    Edit: Sorry Excel, but Julia47 answered first so if she still wants the Buzz I'll have to go with her.


    1 : Aw, that sucks. :P

    2 : Yes, you can not do any action in the Neopian pound with a pet under 7 days old. If Julia still wants the Buzz, she should prepare to wait.

  2. http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=394122765


    I have a 100k offer on it. Take? I got it from a random event. :)


    - Nevermind, I found how much it was. Moderators/admins, please lock or delete this topic. -



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  3. I love that this has returned, now I don't have to wait a month or go out to Best Buy and buy a NC card. I like how every day Queen Fyora gives you a free item for doing the quests everyday. I recommend visiting the page first thing in the morning and sell it right after so that you sell the freebie before everyone gets it and the price drops by 80%.

  4. Ha ha, that happened to me a while back. When I got that message, I was scared out of my skull, Luckily, it was just a joke, a clever one indeed.


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