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Posts posted by Subliminal

  1. Looks perfect! Way to go. How does one get an UC Mutant Meerca? Trade/Adoption?

    I would assume trade rather than adoption. Can't see many people just giving up a UC without a reason (unless they're leaving Neopets or something..) :P


    Anyway, that background is really cute! Good luck finding the stuff if you haven't already :)

  2. I'd assume it depends on the kind of person you are, as Kindles are good if you travel a lot or have a fairly small house/not much space to store lots of books. Personally, I prefer books because I've tried a Kindle and, even on the lowest setting, keeps me awake if I'm reading it too late at night because of the lights in it.

  3. I'm no expert, but I'm sure video games (such as the Sims, as it's the first game that comes to mind) have to tell you that there is a chance that you could have an epileptic fit even if the chance is tiny just because of legal reasons. I'd assume it's like some products having to say "may contain traces of nuts" when there's like a 0.001% chance of there being a trace of nuts in there. They have to say it so then if someone DOES have a reaction, they can say it isn't their fault because you were warned.


    I suggest you ask your doctor, though. They will be able to give you the most reliable information on this.

  4. I was in the same position as you two months ago. I had roughly 1.5mil NP but was fed up with boring pets and paintbrushes just cost WAY too much to keep buying the ones I wanted. I chose to go to the lab map and I certainly don't regret doing it, although I should point out that in the two/three months I've had it, it's never once changed my pets' species and only changed colour of them twice. Usually either nothing happens or I gain/lose movement points (and the occasional defence point). It's not particularly exciting, but this morning I was lucky enough for it to change my Red Pteri into a Maraquan one!


    What I think I'm trying to say is, it's really up to you and what you want. It's good fun if you don't mind what you get out of it, but if there's a particular pet you really love or spent a lot of NP on its colour, keep it out of the lab ray to avoid disappointment! Maybe adopt/create one pet you could use as a Lab Pet?

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