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Posts posted by StarDragon

  1. No one is perfect ALL the time, the Order can be greedy (We had totally noble reasons for wanting the obelisk.), we'll take all the members that want to join us. :D


    Totally noble. I mean, what if the Order just wanted to keep everyone safe because they believed they were the only ones able to control it's power and anyone else could send the world into chaos?


    I'm probably missing something there, but Rasala did say something rather questionable during the 5th wave of the first part of the war.

  2. The bosses HP seems to be fluxuating between the difficulties, but in a confusing kind of way (or maybe i'm just tired). I tried fighting on easy at first, and his HP wasn't getting lower with every fight. When I tried mighty, his HP was waaaay higher, but when I went back to easy his HP was lower than it was when I was first fighting him on easy.



  3. So I just dropped a box on my foot. A heavy box.

    There are these two weird bumps on it now and it still hurts really bad. My parents don't think it's broken though, but neither do I. There's definitely going to be a bruise there though.



    Ow. I need these feet, thank you very much.


    Stubbing my toe or dropping things on my foot always seemed abnormally painful to me anyway..


    *scurries away into the land of trivial complaints*

  4. Driving, huh? Well.. I'm going to get my permit soon and my parents have already told me how bad of a driver everyone else is. This'll be fun, ahahah.

    But.. Yeeesss, I'm down with that plan. Now how to make it happen..

  5. I'm not completely against having snow, but anything wet usually bothers me. Oh how I wish we could trade though, because either way I'm stuck.. XD But as long as someone's happy then I'm not complaining!

  6. Victini. Hands down. Victini has been my favorite ever since it was revealed.


    I don't know why I like Victini so much, it might just be it's irresistable cuteness but I really like it.

    Also V-create.

    That's another good reason to love Victini. Yes.

  7. Aww, thanks guys! I'm still working on that comic strip by the way, I've just been lazy so I haven't worked on it all that much. I'll finish it eventually though!


    But for now, I have two little doodles to post here~




    Daiki being a huge derp.






    Okay so. This line came up again when I went back to the obelisk page.

    I couldn't even resist anymore.


  8. I didn't even realize that TNT was calling it an event, because everyone else seemed to be referring to it as a plot.



    Well either way, I like where you guys are coming from with a lot of these ideas. The whole "factions uniting to defeat a bigger evil" seems to be a commonly accepted prediction in this thread so far, which I totally agree with. I do hope that TNT does something like that for the event plot thing.


    I mean, I doubt we're going to get an ending that falls flat on it's face. We still don't know what's so important about the Obelisk or why it's so powerful, so finding that out would definitely give more fuel to the... event. Plot. Thing.

  9. Like the designs they use for the characters in plots and stuff.


    For simplicities sake, I'm going to class anthro as any neopet that stands upright naturally.


    I personally love anthro pets. I draw my neopets anthro all the time. In fact, I don't think I've drawn either of my Boris as quads. I can't draw quads though.


    I don't know why I like anthro pets more than the regular pets.

    I just do. They appeal to me way more.

  10. Well, I was thinking the same thing, but you know.. I'm impatient, and how much stronger can the waves get at this point?


    Those are pretty good ideas hehe. Right now I'm riding on the factions having to unite to defeat something bigger, perhaps brought about by the Obelisk.


    I still like the idea of the Obelisk being sentient.

  11. ive been thinking about this and i really hope that it doesn't finish with a bland 'X faction won the war', good job.


    i hope that they let us know why the obelisk is actually so desirable to own or control.


    perhaps we can fight against the obelisk itself as a final boss.


    and perhaps all of this is tied to a new type of neopian threat - a new, hithero imprisoned species, perhaps?


    Wow, your ideas kinda blew my mind just thinking about if they actually happened..! The obelisk as a final boss? Man, that'd be a twist. I think I'd like that a lot, well, just knowing it happened anyway ahaha. I've been pretty useless in the battles as of the third wave.


    That idea brings a lot more ideas to the table, such as the obelisk being sentient. That'd be pretty cool..?? Well. I think it would.

  12. With the fourth wave adding even more difficulty to the battles, I started thinking of what's going to happen after one faction wins.

    Or maybe none of them will win.


    Which faction do you think will win? Or do you think any factions will win at all?

    Could it end in a stalemate?


    It's hard to say, but I want to know what everyone else thinks.


    I'm still thinking about what could happen, I started thinking that maybe an outside group would come in and stop the war at some point. That'd be pretty interesting, huh?


    Either way, I didn't see a thread like this and I figured it would make for an interesting discussion.


    Discuss away!


    I LOVE MANGA! And anime is so amazing !! <3 I have been a fan of such since I was about 10 years old. And a few of my personal favorites are:




    Oran Host Club

    Samurai Champloo

    Afro Samurai


    Full Metal Alchemist (both series)

    COWBOY BEBOP! <3333333333






    (countless Yaoi stories)

    D Gray Man

    Fushigi Yugi

    Vampire Knight

    (Anything Shojo Beat ^_^)


    Loveless is fantastic. One of my favorite manga, my older sister showed it to me and I got hooked.


    On topic though, I really like UVERworld and Plastic Tree. KANAN is simply amazing.. I can't think of anymore singers/bands off of the top of my head though, unfortuneatly.

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