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Posts posted by weirdguy

  1. I've been getting kind of tired of Mystery Island never really making an effort, although the color scheme has always been easy on the eyes...they're kind of inbetween trying to be serious like the other somewhat young teams, and goofing off like the bottom tiers. I'm gonna change things up for this year, then head back after experiencing the outside world for a bit.


    The problem is that given the results of prior years, we're at a point in time where at least half of the teams are in a state of uncertainty where any of them could come out on top, which makes this decision kinda tough...


    I know Darigan's the favorite, but there have been much stranger upsets in prior years.

  2. I am both excited to see if there are any young upstarts willing to shake up the hierarchy, and somewhat annoyed that there will likely be holes in my previous rosters that will be difficult to place for in order to gain optimal reward chance.


    ofc i'm not saying that the only reason i was concerned with the staff changes was because of the tournament data, why would you say that, cough


    anyway, the best players will obviously sneak in as much playtime as possible when they're not working, which i suspect certain devious newcomers from years past did in order to shore up their numbers

  3. Less of a challenge, more of how much stuff you can lift. Do not fear the unknown. Take everything that isn't nailed down!


    Note: some curses are actually beneficial, like Foresight, which lets you cheat the next room, or in other cases, will actually block other curses from happening.


    However, YOU want the Kleptomania curse, which lets you sneak away one additional item from your sack of wonders, and boy, you will want that extra spot cause these loots are sweeeeeeet


    (please do pricecheck your swags, an efficient raider is a happy raider)


    the barrel roll curse is just silly

  4. Hi!


    Lately, I've been getting a quite frequent series of puzzles that appear to be....broken. As in, the clues are conflicting with each other, or it just plain doesn't recognize what I'm doing. I'm not sure if it's me, or if it's a glitch, but I've gone over them every darn time and it keeps coming out with either "that's not the right solution" (even when it's a VALID solution) or the pieces just don't fit together any which way.


    Today, I have one that's better...because all of the pieces have plausible deniability of being messed up until you try to put them all together at once.






    Now, I must be missing SOMETHING today, because this is the closest I've had to a puzzle that's worked this week.

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