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Posts posted by emberskiez

  1. I'm a sophomore college student! Transferred from an art school. I'm currently an English and Art major with Japanese language minor. Art school kind of sucked me dry in terms of creativity lately, but I'm trying to get back on the horse, you could say. I love makeup and "tumblr" hair, haha. I'm a foster parent for our local shelter, taking in young dogs or cats until they're ready to transfer into the shelter. I do that on breaks from school when I can. I don't know what i want to do when I graduate.. Still finding out!

  2. I was considering painting my Christmas cybunny Snow because her [nick]name is Snow, haha. She's been Christmas for a good couple of years now and I worked green and red into her charrie design.


    But I noticed Christmas pbs are like... 50-60k while snow pbs are high 40k. This baffled me because Christmas paint brushes have been handed out by the advent calendar a couple of times now... Anyone know why snow would be cheaper?


    Also, if you wanna help me decide on a color here's pics!



  3. I really like Kimi ni Todoki, it's a great show. If you haven't seen it yet I'd really recommend it!

    My guilty pleasure is the Vampire Knight manga... I know a lot of people think it's a weird story but I think the art work is so pretty, though I do have a hard time following along with the story because I usually read it online and the fan-dubs don't always make sense. Anyone else have that problem? Haha.

  4. I just don't understand how some people can always smell bad, you know? It makes me wonder if they just don't wear deodorant or brush their teeth... or if they just actually smell like that! But my significant other smells really good, so I'm happy about that. I watched a documentary saying you're attracted to people's smells if you're compatible. Anyone else have any good/bad smell stories?

  5. Yeah! My yellow cybunny was originally really crazy but, similar to you, after a year or so hiatus I came back and realized I had matured and couldn't really write her as hyper-crazy anymore cause I didn't have it in me. I painted her Christmas and now she's like a little evil Christmas bunny, haha she's really cute in my opinion, kind of A Christmas Carol-y meets Nightmare Before Christmas. I couldn't be happier, she's one of my strongest developed pets.

  6. The ALP website says-


    "People with under 25 posts OR under 150 avatars will be automatically rejected for pet lending. Once you pass those targets, its a balance of the two factors - a higher avatar count can offset a low post count and vice versa. For example, to be lent with a base post count of 25 you will need to have over 200 avatars already unlocked."


    I have 173 avatars on neo and 30+ posts on TDN forums. When I tried before my TDN post count, I got a neomail saying:

    "Sorry, but unless you have at least 25 posts on the forums, I cannot add you to a pet chain. In addition, with the minimum number of posts, you need at least 200 avatars. Please feel free to reapply when you meet the requirements."


    This understood, does the rule work like this? Every +1 TDN post above 25 lowers 1 avatar count? So say I get 180 avvies, would I be able to lend with about 45-50 posts on TDN?


    I'd really like to join a December lending chain, but I don't think I can get 27 avvies within that time!


    (Also, I'm hoping this is the right place to ask this question!)

  7. I loved the Advent Calendar animation from last year which had Faerieland and the Darigan Citadel floating in the sky, Faerieland crashes, and the Citadel backs up and takes Faerieland's position, complete with the sound of a truck backing up. :laughingsmiley: The prizes that came with it were just as hilarious, too. LORD FAERIEGAN! XD


    It was funny! I remember a few years ago someone submitted an editorial complaining about the animations, but personally I enjoy the majority of them!

  8. What's your favorite Neopets clip? Advent calendar? Concert hall? Do you think Neopets should make short films? I think if they did they would use staff as voice actors like how they do in the advent calendar haha it could end up badly.

  9. Oh my god.... I really think my life would be a lot different haha. Neopets was my starting muse to draw. When I was younger on the site I saw so many good drawings made with Photoshop and I decided to get the program too. I also saw so many good artists come from the website that really inspired me.

  10. Hm... I really like my island aisha's name, Xollys, the most. Pronounced Zah-leez. I didn't make it, I adopted her, so maybe that doesn't count. My other is L0ttie. My worst named pet... is Snow_Carrot_Top. Haha, when I was a lot younger I thought of this comic strip about hamsters with vegetable and fruit hats.. I have no idea where "snow" came from but that is my cybunny's nickname. I really wish I could rename her something better but she's already colored and well aged!

  11. I'm almost 20 and I was talking with my friends just the other day about this. It's such difference compared to only five years ago when I was 14-15 and I had to be driven everywhere (or walk, or take public transportation), use the money my parents gave me, and call to say when I'm getting back home haha. Now it's like I just get up and go whenever I want! It was a big revelation the first time I went out to dinner like that with my friends.

  12. The worst thing, to me, about online apps is that you can't talk to a real person unless you call a certain number or something. So impersonal. I like coming back to the same person and asking if my application was processed. If you meet with the manager you also know who is going to interview you. =/

  13. Advervideo is my first daily too, I let it play while I do a few other dailies then check on it and repeat. Purgatory for me is the healing faerie when one of my pets is sick. Every 30 minutes for up to 3 days (minus breaks and sleeping) until she finally fully heals my pet.


    DEFINITELY how come it seems like she never heals the pets that need to be healed? haha she always feeds my full pets or gives me potions when like three of my pets are dying

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