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Posts posted by lilllisan

  1. I'm not a huge fan of family guy. I can't really relate to any of the characters and I don't really find the jokes funny. I did however like the Cleveland show a lot, but I think thats because Cleveland is a more likable character than Peter Griffin. The episodes I enjoy most are the ones with Brian and Stewie or Brian and his girlfriend. :)


    The thing I hate most about Family Guy is that they kind of "overdo" their jokes. Whenever something supposedly funny happens, like the fighting chicken or some guy sings or they have that clip on for minutes!! I just find that awkward, but that might only be me! :P

  2. Welcome! Both to you and to Grenthine.


    I'm a newbie, more or less, to TDN.


    If you and laceew don't mind me asking... is a Mac really that awesome? I've used PCs forever. Macs are so expensive in comparison, but I really hate Microsoft and would like to get out from their strangehold. Are Macs really worth the price? (Does anyone know if they can take a GeForce graphics card?)

    I adore my mac! The programs almost never stop responding, it doesn't take a thousand years to boot and it still hasn't gotten noticeably slower since the day I got it! :) It's pretty easy to clean and the keys don't fall off. Small things like that makes me a happy macbook owner. They are pretty expensive, but I'm counting on it lasting for a couple of years. But then again it's not a gaming computer and you'd probably be better of building your own pc if you want a really good computer (?) (at least that's what I've heard from my friends!) o_O

  3. Hiya! I can't believe it's been almost a year since I was last active here! I've been super busy with life. (Both good things and bad things!) The main reason I kind of gave up on this forum and neopets is because my computer charger broke! Turns out macbook chargers aren't really that cheap and I never really got around to getting a new one. If I ever needed to do stuff online my ipad worked great, and my school is so ancient we never type assignments.


    Luckily I had a bit of money over and I finally got around to getting a new charger! So here I am! :D I don't think I'll be super active though, I'm a bit confused atm because I've missed so much. But at least there is some kind of plot going on (?) so I'm super excited about being back!!! :thumbsup:

  4. That's what I thought, too. I'm wondering if we just need to wait a while longer?

    Maybe they released this event too early? It's kind of weird how they would release this in the middle of a day since Europe and Asias players are already asleep. :/ Maybe we can just start finding neggs after midnight nst? :D

  5. Aww, I know the feeling! I take a bunch of pills for my depression. (Actually one pill for depression and the rest are just iron and vitamins and stuff that supposedly help) and they might get me something to help me sleep next month. It's really convenient to take everything at the same time, but it sucks if you happen to forget... 'cause then you forgot all of them! c: But hey, yay for getting better, right? :) AND for being on the highrisk list, it does make it so much easier to get advice from the doctor in a somewhat timely manner!

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