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Posts posted by Noilygirl8888

  1. I feel your pain. I was sick for a while (still am) and fell ridiculously behind on puzzles. I'm just now beginning to catch up on them, and I still have six that need to be completed.


    Well I'm getting pretty close. I swear in the last 48 hours I've slept more than I've been awake. That and I've been barely eating anything besides jello... It's a good thing I love jello :laughingsmiley:

  2. So, to my knowledge, 3 people have solved the *evil* puzzle

    (SophSoph, Ysera, elbandito999)

    Izzy, are there any more people?


    Congrats to everyone on solving it!! :thumbsup:

    *shuffles the pieces around on my table*

    Well, I'm not getting it any time soon so...


    Lol I don't feel like prining it out so I'm attemping to use microsoft excel... it's obviously not as fast but it still works, sort of ^_^

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