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Posts posted by incubus

  1. I finally got the score needed on Itchy Invasion, it processed, and is now listed on my High Scores table, but it's not registering on the GMC page. I tried logging in and out already but still no luck. Is there anything else I can do short of submitting a ticket?

    Same thing happened to me, except I didn't get credit for the barf boat / ready to roll. I've never played either of those games before (didn't even know they existed until now) and the scores are showing up in my high score table. Not sure what to do.

    It helped me if I concentrated on one petpet, usually the middle one, rather than focusing on keeping them all on board.


    That's how you have to do it. The other petpets will mess with the weight of the ship, unless they are evenly adding weight to BOTH sides of the ship. Even if that happens, it can still be hard to steer. I was guessing you would get more points for having more than one petpet on the deck, so I tried to keep them, but only when it was manageable (even weight).

  2. Don't forget the code "bouncebouncebounce" for Bouncy Supreme, I couldn't have completed the challenge without it lol


    Ah! Such a good call --- you just saved me and got me the completion with that. I've been frustrating myself making attempts at it and just like you, the code helped me get just enough. :woot:

  3. http://www.getglue.com - I've been on there for over a year and it's a website where you can collect stickers for checking into tv shows, movies, books, etc. Then, once a month you can get real life versions of the stickers you collected mailed to you.


    Really? I signed up on that site a couple months ago and never knew that the stickers were more than just something virtual... It's not a bad site, but they haven't worked out some things --- examples: sometimes there are two of the same movie listed, and videogames don't have their own separate classification (at least last time I used the site). Another small thing is that sometimes people write spoilers on some of the movie pages --- not really the site's fault, though.


    My favorites:

    -camelcamelcamel / camelegg: They track prices of things on Amazon / NewEgg, this way when you buy something you are aware if it's been cheaper in the past.


    -Fatwallet or SlickDeals: for finding good deals on things


    -computer forums like anandtech, hardforum, and overclock to learn about computer hardware.

  4. TNT had stated something like "if you wouldn't do it during a normal board game, don't do it during KeyQuest." You wouldn't simply refuse to take your turn during a game with your friends.


    That does make sense actually, but of course when playing a normal board game we can enforce the untold rule, whereas on Key Quest there is absolutely nothing we can do other than let them get away with it.



    I still prefer to play with as few mini games as possible.


    Same here. I go out of my way sometimes to avoid landing on a minigame spot. I only enjoy a few of them.

  5. When I have to go to BK (because my friends want to go there or whatever) I order that combo (here is a soy burger sandwich, I think that's what you meant). I like it, but I don't find it very tasty at all

    Yeah, it's really not that spectacular. It's still OK, though.

    Mc.Queso (Mc.Cheese) veggie Mc Roulette

    I'm in USA and honestly, I've never heard of those things.

    I've never heard of that chinise food you say, what are the ingridients?

    I've been told that tofu is the same thing as bean curd. I really don't know too much about it --- I pretty much expected it to be terrible (toe-foo... sounds weird...), but I was very wrong --- when I eat General Tso's tofu, all I really taste is the general tso sauce goodness. Here is what Wikipedia says:

    Tofu, also called bean curd, is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks.
  6. Thanks for the compliments about the cats. I <3 them :)


    Good luck on getting your robot pet. I'm also trying to get one of my pets to be in a robot, but mostly for the casing (since she's my lab rat).


    Yeah, mine is actually a lab rat too, which is pretty shameful considering it's my first pet. I actually remembered yesterday that there are those random events which can cause pets to turn baby, blue, red, or invisible --- for that reason, I can't be too obsessed about having the robot pet (at least not forever) since there could always be that slim chance that it's color changes randomly. The casing would be AWESOME though, so good luck to you as well w/ getting that!


    money can be gained easily (at level 50) for people who tend to leave their computers on a lot


    Thanks for that info. I keep my PC running a lot, so it may be worth looking into, even though Neopoints are not as important to me now that I have just about everything that I want in terms of pets and their colors :) Always thought about maxing out the Neohome, but it isn't that important.

  7. Hi! Welcome to tdnforums, you'll love it around here :)


    Thanks (:


    As promised, the picture of my fat cat :)




    Here are pictures of the cats that I have now:


    siamese tortie--



    russian blue (korat?) --- he's the most friendly of the 4 of them...




    tigers? They are feral cats that were going to otherwise be put to sleep, so a family member adopted them... they spent 2 weeks hiding in a closet where we fed them... next thing we knew, they owned the house... they are still frightened of people other than those who live in my house. They are brother and sister---





  8. serious congrats on working towards your dream pets! :D Which robot pet do you want?


    Thank you - I'm so comfortable with the species and colors that I'll have, I'll likely never change them. The one Robot color that I want is for my Kiko, which was my first pet. It was Red when I created it. If Robot color didn't exist, I would probably have wanted to leave it Red for nostalgia, but I really like the way the Robot Kiko looks. Of course after using the lab, it's now the wrong color and wrong species --- I'm trying to decide if it's worth it for me to buy morphing potions so when it's species changes from the lab ray, I can revert it back to a Kiko, increasing my chances of ultimately getting the Robot Kiko. It's going to be tough, no matter what. I'll check out Habitarium soon :thumbsup:


    Definitely get to work on Habi as soon as you can. It's a Neopoints-making machine. Definitely worth it.

    Also, there are rumors of a battle plot coming up, so focus on training your pets so you don't miss out on another plot!

    Hope my advice helped a bit. I'd love to hear you reminisce some time; I've been on Neo for a long time as well, but not nearly as long.

    Welcome to TDN!


    Thanks --- you said Habitarium is good for making NP, but is it fun? I like the aspect of making NP and hoarding items, but most of all I play for fun, so I don't always care to do tedious things like restock shops / sniping auctions ect... I know some may find those things entertaining, but I'm not too interested. I'm always worried about playing 1 player battledome, but I've already lost a couple matches and tarnished the perfect record, so at this point it doesn't really matter (:


    Here is one weird thing about Neopets back then --- from time to time, Neopets would have exclusive things you could get by signing up for one of their advertiser's sites --- The things that come to mind which were offered for these signups were these "totems" for accessing Mystery Island --- originally you needed to collect 3 totems to get to the island, but since it was not possible to exchange them between two accounts (sell/auction/give ect), the only way you could possibly get the 3 totems was by signing up on 3 of their advertiser's sites. There was another time when they handed out Meerca plushies (virtual items... not real life ones) for completing a signup (I could be wrong, but I'm almost positive) --- most of them were regular plushies, but I remember a friend of mine got a magical one through that offer. This all seems pretty normal, but the thing was that the sites that they were advertising (and requiring a signup to, in exchange for these virtual items) included things that kids mostly had no interest in, or were too young to even be eligible for! It was pretty random, and I'm not so sure that Neopets actually were trying to profit from these, they may have been using the money they made from these advertisements to help fund the server costs. Eventually they got more suitable advertisers, like I remember they had a cartoon network sponsor game which was actually interesting and most of my friends ended up sticking around to play that site's game too. Nowadays they advertise things like kids breakfast cereals, Pokemon, Nickelodeon, ect. so I'm guessing the site is more successful by showing more relevant ads these days :laughingsmiley: Quite honestly, I'm willing to bet that very few younger players (at the time) actually adhered to the age restriction of those offers... Think about it, the FIRST new world to ever be introduced to the game --- who wouldn't want to go? :woot:



    I love your fat cat story


    Yes! I'll have to scan a picture of him, because he actually was in fact a fat cat, and was also black and white. I've even got a picture of him wearing a bowtie, just like the Fat Cat in Neopets (just not the same color).

  9. Here in Argentina we only have Mc Donald's, Burger King and Wendy's from that list.

    And as a vegetarian, I really can't say I like that much any of those.


    I've been a vegetarian for ~5 years now, and since I still like to go to fast food restaurants, I've found some vegetarian options at these places. Burger King has a veggie burger --- you can even get it as a combo. I haven't eaten there in a couple of years though, so they may have taken it off the menu. It wasn't bad, in my opinion. Also, Wendy's has a sour cream and chive or broccoli and cheese baked potato + garden salad. I love the fries and vanilla frosty as well :thumbsup: . I never go to McDonalds... it's hard to find things without meat there... maybe I'm missing something. I just heard that next year McDonalds will open a McDonalds in India that won't serve any meat. The article I was reading about this said that current McDonalds restaraunts in India already have more vegetarian options than the rest of the world... They should offer those items everywhere!


    There is also something amazing (in my opinion) that you can get at Chinese food places --- it's called General Tso's Tofu (also known as General Tso's Bean Curd on some menus). I can't guarantee that you would like it, but I personally order it every time I get Chinese food.


    I voted Chinese food on the poll :thumbsup:

  10. One thing I didn't know...if you choose not to roll the dice when you can't collect anything, is that cheating?Because in the rules it doesn't say anything about this..and to be honest..it would be pretty dumb to fly right past the key you need without collecting it.

    It's common sense that it's against the rules. And for some reason I recall reading something, possibly an editorial, that said to report people doing that.


    I disagree, here's why: Aside from the "rule" being mentioned in an editorial (which, keep in mind, not everyone reads!), there is no other mention of it anywhere on the Key Quest page (or any rules, for that matter). The first time someone ever did that to me (I used lint ball on them and they passed their turn), my first thought was "That was a pretty good strategy...". I think I saw someone mention on the NeoBoards that it was in fact not allowed, and people could be frozen for doing that. Let's say I never happened to find out about this "rule" --- I could've easily lost the account that I've had for so long and put so much time and effort into. I could understand if it was clearly mentioned somewhere on the Key Quest page, but for the fact that it isn't, it's pretty unfair. I've had things like this happen to me a few times after finding out that there is a "rule" against it, but I refuse to report these people, because for all I know, they have no idea that it's a rule! I don't think permanently losing your account for not being aware of a rule that wasn't clearly listed on the Key Quest page is an appropriate punishment.


    Sadly, although I let other people get away with this "strategy", knowing it's against the rules and that I can be frozen for it, I can't do it myself. If Neopets team can't add some sort of protection against it happening (forced roll when dung or lint ball are used on you, maybe?), they could at least clearly mention the rule on the Key Quest page. Just sayin'!


    errr.... or did Neopets team address this somehow already? I haven't played KQ in a year.

  11. Random events on Neopets used to make my day when I was younger. One thing that really sticks out in my mind though, was grabbing a handful of Halloween Paint Brushes which were given out to the Money Tree one year. If I remember correctly, the Neopets team set it up so that a batch of Paint Brushes would be left there throughout the day on a timer. They donated a *lot* of them at a time, like you had to do quite a bit of scrolling to see them all. What makes the whole story that much luckier was that I had been using a 28.8k dialup connection at the time (there were two internet connections in my house, one was 56k, the other was for a family member's job which was 28.8k). I had 7 of them in my safety deposit box --- I gave about 3 of them to my close friends a year or two ago, used 3 towards buying a Maraquan Paint Brush last year, and I've held onto one (a keepsake :laughingsmiley:).


    More recently, I won a Desert Tyrannian* Paint Brush from Key Quest. Other than that, nothing too crazy.


    Edit: I was just looking through my safety deposit box --- it was a Tyrannian Paint Brush, not Desert.

  12. Hi all (:



    The other day I made the realization that I've been a member of Neopets for about half my life. I registered about 12 years ago. I wasn't on the site all of those years, but I've tried my best to remember to log in each December for the Advent Calendar. Last year I did play quite a bit after finding out about Key Quest. I loved the Mario Party games on N64, and Key Quest is kind of like an online multiplayer version of that.



    I've started playing Neopets again recently, and my goal has been to have my dream pets. I'm very close --- but I'm counting on the lab ray to get a specific Robot pet, since I just found out about the Robotification Zappermajig today, and I was not playing Neopets during the year when that plot was going on. In fact, the only plot I've done is the Altador one --- TDN was imperative for me when it came to completing it, and the list of dailies have been useful, so if any of the people who created/manage this site are reading; thank you.



    I've only got 1 account: 3 pets, but a 4th soon. Admittedly, for being such a long time player, my account is not all that impressive. The medals I've got are the easy to get ones (cheat, punchbag bob, ect.), though I do have an award for having had a Theme Park back in the day + an award from the PPL for having a Fat Cat, which I named after one of my cats (who is now deceased of old age --- RIP) at the time. Needless to say, the account has a lot of sentimental value.


    I recently dropped a ton of NP on things for getting the pets I want. Traded a BattleGlowJewel and a few Halloween Paint Brushes (I'll tell the story about those in the "luckiest thing that happened to you on Neopets" thread...) for a Maraquan Paint Brush. Also just bought a Pirate Draik Egg along with a Darigan Paint Brush, which nearly cleared out my bank account.


    I joined because I have questions, plus some stories to share. I can't really help out with some of the new features (I don't even know what the Habitarium is, but I'll look into it since it seems a lot of people are discussing it here), but if anyone has any questions about what Neopets was like "back then", let me know! I used to play it every day when I was younger, and I still remember a lot of it as if it were yesterday.


    See everyone on the forum. :)

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