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Posts posted by Leigh

  1. Wow... story of my yesterday. I offered on a MP with no listed price anywhere on the interwebs, no price on neo, and had "none" in the wishlist. I offered the average of all the other MPs since they were in the same range. I waited about 10 hours, then got a notification that the lot had been cancelled. Checked the auctions and he was selling it to someone else for a few million more.


    I NM'd and informed him that i had the funds to buy the MP for full price, and that letting my offer rot instead of telling me what his price was was rude. He apologized and hopefully, he'll take it as a learning experience and not just let low offers rot all day.


    Plus someone got snarky on the PC with me today. Gir.

  2. homophobia



    unreasoning fear of homosexuals and homosexuality.



    First of all, I'm tired of seeing this word misused. Phobia is a fear. Religious beliefs that do not support homosexual practices are not a fear. They're a belief system. The same way that some religions don't believe in eating certain meats. It's what they believe. And there has been no disproving of religion, so in all actuality, hell could exist and people could be going there for their sins so why harbor hatred for people only concerned with making sure their friends and family don't get stuck in an eternal fire and brimstone pit. I consider it true love that someone else cares for my eternal soul, whether or not i believe in it. I'm not getting into a religious debate, but i literally lost 3 gay friends on FB yesterday for the whole Chik-fil-a fiasco.


    My exboyfriend from high school came out in college and is a very happy gay individual. He's also an Eagle Scout. I went to his ceremony. He has no intention of giving up his hard-earned eagle badge. He understands that they're against the gay community, but he told me a few months ago, "You know what Abby? I don't care if the religious community doesn't agree with me because the entire country seems to be against them. They're as discriminated against as I am."


    And here's a little wake up for everyone in the USA who is boycotting/bashing/disagreeing/and hating against every group that is anti-gay: OPEC is the group in the middle east from whom we buy our gasoline. If you're going to boycott the Eagles, Chik-fil-a, and any other organization who is anti-gay, will you boycott your gasoline? OPEC kills people for being openly homosexual. But you're not going to give up your car, are you? It's so easy to fight for your case when it's not inconvenient to you. So i ask you, think about your life and the bandwagons causes you jump on whenever there is a media outpouring for responses... Do you really care enough for that cause to boycott everyone who disagrees or only the people it's convenient to disagree with?

  3. Thank you all, you wonderful wonderful strangers. Why can't you all be in Hawaii to make my life hapi?? WHY?!

    Lol. It was better today. I'm just really worried because the Army doesn't punish people like regular civilians do. It's much more frightening. I'm trying to keep from being screwy.


    Off to neopet.!!!

  4. I started a new full time job for the army. The hours are all wonkey and i can't neo with friends!! WAHHHHHHHH!


    I want to talk to all of you and lurk and bump PC boards and get BC votes and draw my pets!!


    I mean... i get lots of moniesss, but i'm not on the same schedule as my husband (night shift) So i can't see him except on weekends. *le sigh*


    Kiddies, don't grow up too fast. When you have to be an adult, get a job you want because you like it, not because you need it. Enjoy your youth.




  5. Hello!! I'm new here as well. Welcome to the forums where you can say heck and poop without worrying about the freezer section of the interwebs.

    Everyone here is totally nice and it's pretty simple to navigate. :D

  6. I'm pretty sure the American government would either A. Blame it on the left-wing liberal hippies, or B. Blame it on the uptight right-wing conservative bible huggers. Someone will get blamed and everyone will be too busy protesting and hating everyone eles that all the zombies will eat our brains and they'll rule the world until they create their own zombie society in which history repeats itself because no one learns from past mistakes... at least not the government. And zombies can't learn anyway. They're all missing brains.

  7. I get why you have the 7 word minimum, but honestly, i feel like i'm rambling on most posts to take up space. And believe it or not, this isn't the only forum that i frequent. It's not a matter of "i didn't read the rules so i won't obey the rest", it's "i'm used to bottom line up front" and i forget. i get to the point and don't waste space doing it, so i really have to catch myself here because i'm so used to just "ok", "that's fine", "awesome, i'll write that down" on other forums because 7 words is too much for the post. In those, it's just 7 characters and i usually just type "7char" to take up space.


    I get it, but at the same time, if the punishments wrack up over time because i, or someone else, forgets, i can see it getting super annoying real quick.


    And this post is an example of why i'd rather type two words. Because i get on a ramble and miss my kad times. *harumph*

  8. 2.png

    Name: 00__argonauta__00

    Status: UFT

    Contact: You can NM: c_ta or PM me here.

    Other info: His HSD is 553, pretty even. It would take no time at all to get him absolutely even to 192 across the board. He's been GUP'd but i can do a morph and paint for the right offer. I really really really really want a UC plushie buzz. But that's not going to happen. Let me know what you have if you're interested. Also, he's being used for space faerie avvie by a friend right now so if he moves, his link to his pic will be broken. Sowwie guys.

  9. I'm gonna offer a board on how to handle the neoboards. False interwebs confidence. You march your little poogley behind onto those neoboards like you own them and you make people pay attention to you. I went onto the AC not knowing a thing and i demanded a MSPP/BGC lend and i got it. Then people started questioning how such a low avvie count got those and i told them. I talked my way to a SuAP lend less than 3 weeks later.


    No one needs to know you're shy. Just insert yourself into the conversation, start personalizing your questions to people and keep up. Easy as pie. :)

    If you see me on the MSPP/SuAP lend boards, just call me out. I answer to Leigh or Cupcake. I'll get you squared away. :D


    As for the HC and PC... well... those aren't real boards. lol. PC is pet slave-driving and HC is trolls. That's a roller coaster i just lurk for fun.

  10. haha dw i live in Malta, im all about the weird timing :P


    bdw, dnt think im stalking you or anything but your gallery is awesome!!


    Uh... *is scared*



    I'm totally kidding. I creep on people like it's my job. And thank you. I need to fix the coding, but i'm glad you like it. i love getting compliments on it. :D

  11. woah leigh these are so much better than you're giving yourself credit for!! that grey shoyru is <3 <3


    i would absolutely be honoured to have my kiko drawn by you!


    YAY. Thank you! i have to work in... 2 hours so i'll do it tonight. I'm on Hawaiian time. I appologize for my weird hours compared to the rest of the US. :P

  12. ugh, I hope not. Well obviously I want the site to do well but with mass popularity comes stupidity, if the majority of other forums on the internet are anything to go by.


    Agreed. But luckily, i think the mods are up for the challenge. It'll let them stretch out their wings of mod-like power. They've been coasting with all you well-behaved users too long. :P

  13. I was so close to doing the same! I looooove this so much. I don't think it was mentioned, but you also get a reminder for getting your bank interest!


    Well isn't that awesome? I did not know it told me about my bank interest. That's pretty cool.


    I know a couple of people who would be against the stealth option for everyone. People applying for pets. I know a few of my friends stalk the account the pet is on to see when the last time the adoptor logged in. Adoptions will be much less fun to stalk now. :P



    sidebar: i also get a constant reminder of how poor i am now. :(

  14. I don't mind them as long as they're not too in your face, or like you say when it affects how well you can see the prices and such. It's annoying having to scroll down loads so if you do get one try to avoid a massive header picture, I'm sure any Kadders that visit your shop would be very grateful of that also :P



    ^ THIS! ohmahgerrsh, this so hard. Don't make kadders learn your name and avoid it. I have a list of names that i avoid because they carry the lowest priced kadfoods but their shops make me want to hurl my computer into the toilet.

  15. I totally have a bieber-fever shirt. And i'm not gonna lie, i secretly listen to him on youtube.


    I still laugh at the jokes that he looks like Ellen Degeneres, and that he's really a woman, but the kid can actually sing without autotune, he's not bad looking, and he is a good person. He didn't pull a Linsay Lohan and druggie up, he's not a raging party animal or alcoholic. If i had a kid, i'd rather them look up to Bieber than anyone else out right now. At least Bieber looks clean and acts like a human with some class.


    The Bieber "debates" (and i use that term loosely) on youtube are always good for a laugh. They usually end up being about the users mother, race, or sexual preference and have nothing at all to do with Bieber's ability or lack thereof to sing. They're good for lulz.

  16. My first experience trading NC, i didn't have a lick of NC on me nor did i have any items. I went to the NC boards and made a topic inquiring about the fantastical chocolate BG or whatever it's called. I just wanted to know how to obtain it and what items i'd need to start. I was given an NC trading guide, a pricing guideline, and someone sent me the BG for free. It was a rather pleasants welcome. And now i have over $2000 in NC and I trade regularly for really high end items.


    Now, if that first experience had gone differently, i can see a completely opposite outcome. I hope the NC boards treat you as well as they have me.



    As for TP trading... just no. I realize that i'm going to deal with people suffering from ID-10-t disease and i have accepted that. Like when i asked someone who was selling 3 virtupets stamps if i could get a deal for buying all 3. He said yes, then charged me more than the SSW and other stamps of that ilk combined. So i bought them seperately. He NM'd back 2 days later and i explained that i got them for 100K less than he was charging me. He said he charged more for "convenience". *facedesk*

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