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Posts posted by TayParade

  1. The old ones had more variety, no doubt. I just came back from a few years of hiatus just a couple months ago, and I didn't notice how gruesome the avatars had gotten till I stumbled on this page. They're ALL the same shape, and so...dull. Well, at least we can be grateful we're still able to use the old ones. ^_^ They're classics anyway.

  2. They have a site like this advertised on the Lenny Conundrum Answers blog. Unfortunately, some people do resort to this but they usually end up frozen shortly afterward once TNT realizes sketchy activity going on within the account. Whether it's illegal or not is a pretty grey area, seeing as Neopoints etc. are all indicia of Neopets and Nickelodeon. That said, people will always find a way to compromise that and they know this.


    It's not stated anywhere that it's actually against the law to do this, but it is stated that it's against the rules.

  3. It took me about 2 weeks to actually feed my first Kadoatie, and I spent about 2-4 hours a day trying. I don't feed very often and I've only fed 17 of them, but I found a method that usually works for me. I'll explain how the Kadoatery works, and recommend some other guides. However the first thing you MUST have is patience. That's common sense, if you've tried to feed before.





    The other thing you should know is that EVERY Kadoatie gets hungry every 28-56 minutes after they are fed. The reason I say 28-56 minutes is because this is only expected to happen right on the dot after 28 minutes pass. Sometimes it takes longer; 28 is just a benchmark. If it does not happen, we wait 7 minute intervals (which is known as "pending") until refreshing again. There have been instances where a main pended longer than than 56 minutes, though I'd say the average is 35-42 minutes.


    When a large group of Kadoaties gets hungry, it is called the "main restock". If a Kadoatie is fed past 7 minutes after the main, it will also be hungry 28 minutes from the time it was fed, however, it will restock separately from the main. Keep in mind, the 7-minute pending rule applies here too. This is known as the "mini". Eventually, a "mini" will become part of the "main" and they will restock at the same time.




    Look for the Kadoatery Feeding Times & Lists (shortened to T&L) board here: http://www.neopets.c....phtml?board=23

    They will answer questions via neomail and point you in the direction of guides, and other info. And please, do not try to timekeep until you know how to do it properly!


    If you need more explanation on how the timekeeping works, check out this guide: http://www.neopets.c...erca_cute_baby1





    There are three main methods of feeding, and these are: Invent feeding, Shop Wiz feeding, and SDB feeding. In my opinion, they all increase in difficulty, in that exact order, but everyone will have their preferred method. My first Kad was fed via Shop Wizard, and it is the mehod I use most frequently.


    Invent feeding involves having 50 or less items which a Kadoatie is likely to ask for, and waiting for a Kad to ask for that item. That way, you can just click and feed. You will beat SDB and Shop Wiz feeders this way, but it's unlikely you will be able to feed during every restock. Some people keep whole categories of foods in their inventory, like pizza, milkshakes, burgers etc. Great method if you have dial-up.


    Shop Wiz feeding is basically opening up a new internet tab (assuming you know what a tab is) with the Shop Wizard inside, and quickly copy/pasting the item the Kad wants, and buying it. This is risky for first time feeders unless you are sure you can be quick enough.


    SDB feeding involves building up a huge stockpile of items in your SDB and removing them when a Kad asks for it. Some people remove whole categories of items, similarly to invent feeding, so that they have a higher chance of having an item the Kadoatie wants.





    Overfeeders (people who have fed more than 75 Kadoaties) can offer great advice as well. If you get owned while trying to feed, don't sweat it and just click faster. Eliminate every single distraction and obstacle that would waste time. For instance, to save precious time from scrolling at the Kadoatery to see what every Kad wants, I zoom my screen out so I can see all the cages at once. (CTRL - and CTRL + to zoom back in again). I also keep the Shop Wiz zoomed out so I don't have to scroll endlessly through those annoying shops that are image-heavy and stuffed with nonsense extras. Sometimes I connect a wired mouse to my laptop because I'm not good with the trackpad. Do whatever it takes to save yourself time. That's the whole entire point of the Kadoatery.



    If all else fails, practice, practice, practice. My favourite general Kadoatery guide is this one: http://www.neopets.com/~laleeky



    Hope I could be of some help, and I'll stick around to answer questions if you've got 'em.

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