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Posts posted by vandalize

  1. There are tons of programs [illegal] floating around out there that autobid, and obviously do it a lot quicker than a human possibly could. It's frustrating, I know :c But like everyone said, I would just get it off of the trading post! Or maybe you can play a lot of KQ and get lucky and snag the last few pieces you need? :'D

  2. I like the texture and like ombre effect of the water, but it's nothing really spectacular.

    I cringe at the thought of Nimmos decked out in those clothes named xx__x_Qtgothx__xx and ___xxsk8teerboixx____ :whistle:

  3. Okay, I don't want to upset anyone or anything but.

    Firstly, I agree that no one should get hated on because of their body image/weight etc. Also, something that really irks me is that people seem to forget there's a flipside to this debate. I'm sure it's been mentioned, but when someone calls someone out on being overweight it's rude and disgusting, but if someone is targeted because they're small it's not a big deal.


    I've seen so many Facebook status about how "Only dogs go for bones, real men like curves", and that "Size 0 girls should seriously eat hamburgers". I don't think that's acceptable either. I'm pretty petite and I get called small/tiny/thin all the time. Granted, it doesn't really bother me or anything, but if people walked around calling those who are larger "big" or "large" that would be considered rude.


    I don't know if that makes sense or anything. But I think people should just be healthy.

  4. I already love you.

    Hooray for indie!!!! :D


    Well thank you :D



    You're perfectly fine. c: I know some of these bands but I haven't really listened to them.

    I like indie music. It's pretty. I will listen to all these bands. ALL OF THEM!


    That's quite ambitious of you c: If you tell me which ones you like/don't like I can help you find some more bands, if you wish!

  5. I second the motions of Lana del Rey & Foster the People c:

    I listen mainly to indie music, which is kind of an aquired taste :'D But some of my favourite bands are: Vampire Weekend, Bombay Bicycle Club, Tokyo Police Club, Local Natives, Best Coast, The Black Keys, Beach House, Arcade FIre. There's a lot more but I don't want to be overwhelming :*

  6. Oh my gosh, looking at all of these posts actually made me depressed. Seriously, the old RG Kyriis & Aishas were absolutely gorgeous. Customization just makes your pet look gaudy and tacky, in my opinion.

    Someone should make an Adblock list or something that replaces the new images with the old ones. It would make me feel better about myself.

  7. I gave it a whirl. It's a fun game, but for some reason I lack the interest to play. I think I'm just not in the mood for RPGs at the moment. For years, I've always played at least one mmorpg faithfully at any given time. But not lately.


    Oh man, I understand exactly how you feel! I bought D3, played it obsessivly for like a week, and I haven't played it since. I feel like it was such a waste of money :c I haven't even so much as logged into WoW in like three weeks, I feel so neglectful ;_;

  8. I'm looking for a Key Quest partner, if anyone's interested c: Like playing a few games a day/whenever together for some keys and neopoints! Send me a mesage here, on at cassimere, if you'd like :D

  9. How on earth do you make 100k a day from it? I'll certainly be hurtling towards that now if that's the case :D

    I'm not totally sure, but if you leave it runnin for extended periods times it helps you get some more of these 'purple' gems, and I believe with each one you collect you get som NP :)

  10. Very concise, Vandalize, haha :) I love making goals too. I think neo would be rather boring without them. Good luck, by the way! And I'd completely forgotten about the habitarium, that's an awesome goal. I may make that one of mine too, I'm doing fairly well with the habi and it's a good earner :) So what do you plan to do with your fifteen million after you have it?


    Thank you, and good luck to you too! :) Yeah, that's why I'm trying to get it to level 50, you can easily make upwards of 100k a day off it (apparently) for doing nothing, and that sounds pretty good to me haha. Uhmm, I'll probably look at customising my pets and getting some avatars once I reach my Neopoints goals, I'll figure it out when I get there :'D How are you doing with all of your goals? :)

    • Altador Cup VII All-Star [3/20]
    • Secret Lab Map & Petpet Map
    • One Million Neopoints
    • Five Million Neopoints
    • Level 50 Habitarium [15/50]

    Oh I just love making goals :D I'm working on Calypsara's petpage right now, which will be my portfolio, I'm hoping on getting into a goal-related guild :] I'm curious how everyone makes their Neopoints too! I pretty much just play games (including KQ/Habi).

  11. I don't really understand why people feel like it's okay to act like that. Especially players that look down on younger accounts. I mean everyone was beginning/not as rich at some point, so I just don't get that logic. Elitist people in generally just really irritate me P:

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