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Posts posted by Storme

  1. Same here! I'll send you a neofriend request too. ^^


    By the way, I was wondering something; I'll explain with my hypothetical friends, Person A and Person B. If Person A had a house at level 3, and gifted it to Person B, but Person B was not a high enough level to upgrade their houses to level 3, would the house stay at level 3? Would it even be possible to gift it? This goes for any structure really.

  2. Lucky you.

    Tarla dropped a few things on her way out.

    Roars and Grrrs




    She just happened to be online a moment ago when I clicked the link!

    If she's only there for a few minutes every day then I must have been super lucky. XD


    I think she's still online so maybe if you're quick you can still grab something!

  3. I'd also gladly give you anyone anything on Habi they want. I have everything I need now and way too much extra stuff. Hospitals, houses, storages, ink, barracks, you name it; you can have them all!


    Something random I've thought about doing on my Habitarium is assigning each species a different resource. So, for example, mootixs could harvest wood, pinchits collect mud, and larkins work on stone... or something. It might make things a little easier to organise. xD

  4. I'd get premium, but I'm a cheapskate. Every time I think of having to spend all the precious moneyz I've saved up I'm all, "NOOOICAN'TDOIT!" ;A;


    It sounds awesome though.


    *slaps herself* You have more than enough money! Go buy it noaw!

    Voice in my head: nooooooooooooooo...

    Okay, that's it! I'm declaring WAR... on myself. o_O"

  5. There is a different way to control this. They could limit the amount of gems that you can get before you collect them. So say you could only get 10 gems before you can't get any more. It is making sure you are on your computer and looking at it or you won't get credit for it. Kind of like nesters, they are sure useful if you check ever 50ish minutes but if you don't they aren't nearly as useful. If you make it so you have to check it ever 50ish minutes or you don't get any extra benefit then they could eliminate the problem of having people leave their computers on over night. I would personally stop playing. It takes to much time to set it up if you can't just leave it there and let it do its thing.


    Shhhhhh, or they'll start getting ideas. D:


    lol, I really hope they don't do that. I'd probably stop playing too.

  6. I agree with idriya that they released SOME nice avvies; it's just the ones where they went completely overboard on the animation that bug me (I agree the Negg & Neopocalypse ones are terrible).


    I definitely think the pixel-ish look was cute and I wish they still made some that looked like that.

    They did a great job on the Lawyerbot avatar though. ^^

  7. I've heard lots of people have said their e-mails changed slightly or just turned into a load of gibberish. Maybe it's a glitch?


    Um, okay, I just checked my e-mail and for some reason it was set as "c15beb52f2ab43b2f21c22c1d5cebce5"; I just changed it back. My friend also had the same problem.


    Maybe that could be what happened to you? As someone previously suggested, try using a different browser and see if it accepts your password then. Good luck getting your account back!

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