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Posts posted by William

  1. William, It was for Halloween, I'm planning to change it soon.

    But to be honest, I can stand yours neither, Heck, I have no idea what it is?


    Though why did you quote that long post, when it has no relation to it what-so-ever.


    Mine is a sewing machine.


    I replied to that post because it was it was yours.


    Why did you write the long post, when it has nothing to do with riddle help?

  2. Though I must ask one thing, just curiosity.


    I have seen posts which say stuff like:

    "its 5am over here, Im losing sleep over this puzzle"


    Or some other ridiculous posts about the early morning.

    Why do you stay up so early to do a riddle.


    You have 2 whole weeks left and the first people to complete it aren't going to win an extra prize.

    Its nothing personal against you lot, I just find it really sad?


    The latest I stayed up was 2am, But that was because I had a Essay to do at the same time. But 5am to do one riddle, or even lose sleep. I just find it creepy.

    Like your sitting at home, Eyes an inch away to the screen, rocking back and forth on your chair just repeating "must complete the riddle, nothing else matters, The riddle is my life"


    (Though not meant to be mean this post, Just me being curious)


    I can't stand your icon and signature picture. They're repulsive.

  3. and the dashes seperating the numbers from the two letters to the full combo dissregard them






    dont count the ones in the combos as letters there just there to ceperate

    That must have taken a while to type. Are your fingers okay?


    I don't know what to make of it.


    'fyorajobiivti' You can make the word forty, which is how many letters there are.

  4. that's what I did...I used the t from the t/n because there was no other t and the b from b/z because it's hard to make words with z...

    If you take out the 26 letters from the remaining letters you end up with 13, but I can't seem to make any sentences with all of them.

    Oh, and I think there's an I missing from the list.

    IN alphabetical order,



    Maybe that's a little better?

  5. I made a list of all the letters in the puzzle pieces, then took out one of each letter in the alphabet.

    I ended up with this: fyorajobiivti

    Maybe we're supposed to unscramble it?

    I took all the letters and I got 40 letters.


    TVJPALWDZCKHMOYSOTRFRAFIGBUYJXQIVIEO (T or N) and (Z or B ) with the punctuation /?:-_

  6. I very much am trying to figure this out...next plot. >.> I am going to be in the FNATASTIC memebrs thing. Watch. You'll see.


    Edit: I just realised this. And it is a theory. What if you unscramble ALL the letters of colors. Like the meepits riddle?


    But if you're a fantastic member in the next plot, everyone will find YOU annoying instead.


    I'm where you guys are. I just tried all the combinations of the numbers at the bottom, I think.


















    Is that all of them?

  7. Brain Cramp. >.< I've tried the answer from the above black box and it didn't work, noel, advent, new years, and all of those in any way i can think of. Can someone clarify a bit?

    Its the noun of the verb, 'to celebrate.'


    Wow... those runes.

  8. thanks,*opens notes*


    I already posted it, but I'll post it again.



    1) -1:+40

    2) -1:-20

    3) +1: -410

    4) +1:+450

    5) 0:-180

    6) +1:+130

    7) 0:+630

    8) 0:-300

    9) +1:-80

    10) -1:-820

    11) +1:+120

    12) +1:-270

    13) +1:+770

    14) +1:-390

    15) -2:0

    16) 0:+60

    17) +1:-20

    18) +1:-120

    19) +1:+565

    20) +1:-810

    21) +1:+230

    22) +2:+400

    23) +1:+90

    24) +1:-650

    25) +1:-530

    26) +1:+500

    27) 0:+600

    28) +2:+150

    29) +1:-490

    30) +1:-390

    31) +1:+390

    32) +1:+370

    33) +1:+60

    34) 0:-300

    35) +1:-420

    36) -1:-80

    37) +1:+40

    38) -1:-20

    39) +1:+10

    40) +1:-590

  9. "It's raining outside and you are lost (I know how very cliche of me). You approach the doorway to the Jerry Estate. This place is renowned for its spooky goings-on inside. Those who enter rarely escape. Do you....


    A. Knock on the giant door.

    B. Peep through the window.

    C. Decide to look elsewhere for shelter."

    I've tried typing in the options, but no luck! Anyone able to help me?? :D


    BBB, then read carefully.


    The answer is there... I guess you COULD just try every word there for the answer.

  10. Finally decided to join the forum after visiting it for at least a year! Woo!


    Anywho... There's been speculation about it being a birthday. I went through all the staff's birthday's. They were all born in '86, '91, '92, and '93. All of which are not divisible by 5. The only exception is 1990, but the month is 11, which doesn't work because the x in x:XXXX doesn't go above 5.


    So I guess it doesn't mean a staff birthday. Also, Neopet's birthday is 11/15/1999, which also doesn't work. So I dunno! Just putting in my two cents. This numbers one is killing me! o_O

    I JUST GOT IT!!!


    Umm... I don't know if I should just give the answer I don't know how to do the spoiler thing.





  11. One of us got past the number puzzle by accident, which is how we found the piece - like Zac's said though, we haven't got a clue what the combination really was!

    I thought we were working on the number puzzle together. I feel abandoned... You might as well take me to Dr Death yourself. =[




    Oh well. I guess everyone else will get it eventually.

  12. I can't really think of anything.


    All the games are fun, and if 'Roos' is a play on words, that would make sense.


    It could be 'Rues' like the french word for streets, but that I doubt.


    I think I'll come back to this tomorrow, and I'll get some sleep.




    Keep me informed if you figure anything out.

  13. It states when u start to lose.. I thought of rank, trophy.. But tats not the answer.. I was thinking does something appear when u are losing at dice-a-roo? Or some other games?


    In a lot of neopets games, you start losing as time is running out.


    "He knew the rules, he didn't know how he knew them, but he did." All of the games also have rules, and that is an excerpt from the Neopedia article about Dice-a-Roo.

  14. Lol both didnt work for me.. Other than neopoints, are there anything that is always there?



    Could it be a high score and a low score?


    The riddle said something about losing.


    Oh, maybe it's cheat codes, since it's, "When you start to lose."

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