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Posts posted by Tatsuya

  1. "Let's talk about MARRIAGE"



    It shouldn't be getting called "Gay Marriage", all that does is insinuate that it's different from 'normal' marriage. When it shouldn't be.

    It cant be equal if it's deliberately being named something else to seperate it from what is considered the norm.


    Allowing same-sex couples to marry won't stop different-sex couples from marrying. It won't affect it at all. Why would allowing two guys (or girls) to get married make yours any less vaild?


    It wouldn't, and that's my point.


    (I apologise if I've repeated what anyone else has said. This is a debate, I guess, so if you need me to clarify on anything, let me know. I was kind of unsure on how to word this. And also, just as a side note, I'm Catholic, so don't try to argue that my point is invalid because I "don't understand Christianity', becuase I can assure you, I do.)

  2. Could someone help me look for the cheapest Feemix the Korbat Scout please? Thanks in advance! =)


    The cheapest I can find right now is 3500NP:



    A young Fire Faerie steps forward. "Tiny Umbrella" she blurts. "Oh, I mean, please find me one. Thanks!"

    Thanks in advance :)


    8074NP for this one:


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