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Posts posted by muppetelle

  1. The Battle Faerie appears before you. "Neopian, I need your aid. My spell lacks Magma Gelert Plushie."


    This seems to be only on trade, so expensive, however totting it up, it might still be worth my while, I was wondering if anyone had any clue how much I should offer for it on trading post (obviously if it's really expensive I won't bother!) .


    I know this isn't quite what this board is normally about, so if you want me to delete/move it just say :)


    Thank you kindly!

  2. Its always the same pattern. Pick a team Monday to Wednesday, fight Thursday to Sunday, boon for a week. Repeat.

    Also, on the TDN dailies site, you can check what stage its at if you click on the last picture in the alert section on the right. :)


    Thank you Duma, that's really helpful! I've actually set an alert on my mobile phone calendar, to hopefully remember - I really want the avatars!!!

  3. seems most people are in their 20's here then, still looking to see if anyone is as old as I am ... I might confess later just how old that is lol


    Haven't had time to read everyone's posts but I was 39 last month - I obviously didn't play as a kid, I found it the year my son was born and it kept me busy while he was having those looooooooong lunchtime naps whilst I was on maternity leave!


    I don't go on the boards much, because I notice the age gap more there, but I use the TDN resources a lot, even when I don't post, but I'm trying to get back to posting ways, after a crazy "moving house" kind of a year :)

  4. Hi Peter!


    I've been playing for 8 years (I think) since I was ahem cough thirty ahem cough!


    Neopets is fab, I have patches where I don't play much, but no matter what, I always try and get back for the advent calendar lol, I love that advent calendar!


    I hope you achieve all your goals :D

  5. Hi everyone - it's been a dreadfully long time since I posted (sorry!)


    But the only way to get back to posting, is you know, post!


    So here I am to say I got level 4 Moon trophy, which I'm quite chuffed with, I never get the top one, because I never find time to work on the games I find hard, I thought this year was particularly hard, did anyone else?



  6. Forever Odd - Dean Koontz. Have read it a few times now but I just love the Odd Thomas books! Only 5 more days till the new one is here!!!


    Oh I loved the Odd Thomas books! They're fab!


    I'm currently reading the first Kim Harrison book, called Dead Witch Walking, can't remember whether someone here recommended it, or I got it cheap on kindle, it's okay, I'm not totally taken yet but it's readable!

  7. Thanks! I sometimes feel like I have bad luck with the random one's as well. Such as that stupid lever. I just keep losing neopoints and can never get the avatar! I'll be glad when I no longer have to waist time/nps on that thing lol.


    Ughhh me too, I hate that lever so much... kicks lever.

  8. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, I am in general the UNLUCKIEST neopian ever (ahem according to me) when it comes to random avatars, so was completely surprised and chuffed to finally get this! (still haven't got Jester, and many many others after 6 years of trying :S )

  9. The SSW is definitely why I have premium, I've had it since 2006, on and off, everytime I think oh maybe I'll go without, and just use an adblocker, I miss the ssw so much, I really hope they move forward now though, and bring us some new features, now that it's under their own control rather than a third party.

  10. I've just made Rank 1!!! I know this isn't very impressive compared to you guys, but with a kid, husband, house, 2 jobs etc etc this is good going for me! So well done to all of you doing so AMAZINGLY but just felt I had to share my (little) achievement


    Go Darigan!


    *goes back to shaking pompoms* :thumbsup:

  11. Thanks, nice to know it's possible :)

    I'm just trying to work out how I can fill in the detail for my county in the billing address, when my county isn't listed. /:


    Have you tried just missing it out, filling everything else and submitting?

  12. Hm, well I was going to sign up for a month to try it out, but they don't have my county in the drop down bar!

    Does anyone from the UK know what I can/should do? I'm lost.. they have both towns and countys in the drop down bar D:


    Can't do it otherwise ): Even my mum has looked to see if she can find it, but she can't /:


    Hi ya, I live in the UK and have premium, and have had on and off since 2006, so you definitely can, although because I've already got it I can't see the sign up screen to tell you exactly how... Just thought I'd let you know it is possible!


    Also for the person asking about cancelling, I cancel regularly (ha ha) I must have cancelled 4 times, just cos I think ohhhh I shouldn't waste that money, then I miss the ssw and get it back! And I've never made a phone call to do it, just emailed support :)


    Hope that helps :)

  13. I did!! Loved it! Tally's a fab character, I will download the next one today probs, Thank you so much for the recommendation, and like you say, it's a GREAT feeling when you recommend a book and the other person likes it, I love that feeling!

  14. I am reading "the Dark Tower" at the moment, which is the 7th and final (well, there is an 8th, but in the storyline it is in between book 4 and 5 :P ) book in the Dark Tower series. Someone just died and it made me cry, even though I must have read this book about a dozen times already... *blushes* I'm crazy, I know... LOL. I just love my fictional friends from Mid-World. :) ♥


    I've got this on my Kindle, well the first one I mean Jacky, on your recommendation so I should be reading it in a few books time!


    Can't remember who recommended the Uglies Trilogy to me, but I just finished the first one last night - loved it! <3 Thank you :)

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