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Posts posted by Junipa

  1. I love reading threads like this to find more anime to watch.

    My favorite is definitely Katekyo Hitman Reborn! comedy+action = yay!

    Another favorite might be Claymore, but that's probably because it led me to the manga which I adore!

  2. Hello, TDN forums! I'm just another obsessive neopets member. With school and real life stuff, my time on neo is restricted, but I try to go on at least once a week. I've been on neo since 2004, but I made my current account in 2006, or something like that. I've been using the TDN dailies page for a while, but this is my first time venturing onto the forums.


    Some of my other recent obsessions (besides neopets):

    -manga (right now Claymore is my favorite)



    -reading (fiction and poetry, but once in a while some nonfiction history)


    Except for things I'm forgetting, that's me in a nutshell. I'm looking forward to exploring these forums some more, and I'm glad to meet you all!

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