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Posts posted by magic.

  1. Hello!


    I've had an on and off relationship with Neopia for about 7 years, but now after a solid 5 year hiatus, I'm ready to get back in the game!

    My neopets username is WantAnEncore and I'm just really trying to enjoy Neopets for all the cool things that it has going on.

    I stumbled across this site for its really useful Neopets Dailies page, and after browsing through their other guides, I found the forums.

    I love the enthusiasm that people here have for Neopets and I was hoping to try and be a part of all this :)


    Well, that's all I guess haha.

    Regardless, hello again, and it'd be cool to be Neofriends with anyone here!

    That's the best part!

  2. Hi!

    I'm new to the forums but I have been lurking for awhile and I got this today and I REALLY wanted to share!

    I'm not trying to brag or show-off or anything pretentious like that but I was just so excited and I know the community here can share in that!

    Anyways, today I got on for my usual dailies and THIS HAPPENED:



    :D yayayayay!

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