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Posts posted by Skyless

  1. I didn't take part last year, but this year has been iffy for me, too. :(


    I got a battle faerie on the first day, but after that... nothing good. Two crafting faerie quests, and three other quests that were too expensive (one light and two air).

  2. Yeah, gotta take the risk when using the lab ray :(


    I got some cute pets out of it, like a pea chia, a few hissi, and some robo pets. But it turned my kacheek into a kyrii (when I was really hoping for a colour change). Oh well, keep shooting it and hopefully it'll change back.

  3. I've never been hacked, but maybe it's because I didn't play too much?


    My oldest account is 11 years old... turning 12 in August this year. It's still there, and I can still access it. But it's my side account now.


    Of course, I don't advertise my account, and I don't visit sketchy sites either. (And frankly, even if I were hacked, the hacker wouldn't get anything since I'm pretty much broke.)

  4. I don't earn NP regularly. I used to play flash games and habi, but then I got lazy. I do have stocks though, but I don't buy 1000 stocks everyday. I only buy when I feel like it. The only thing I do everyday is the dailies.


    But I don't really have any goals on Neopets, so there's nothing to earn money towards.

  5. I have two accounts (one main and one side), mostly because I wanted to change my username. I don't really use my side for much, just quests and the extra pet room. I'm trying to keep my pets to around 7 max because I don't want to make another account just to store pets, although it's really tempting when I browse the pound and see well named pets in there.

  6. Nice to meet you all! I'm Tammy :)


    I played neopets a long time ago, but I stopped playing. I recently got back into neopets and thankfully my old account is still around! I've been using the Dailies page and a lot of the guides around TDN, so I decided to join the forums, too.


    Hope to see you all around!~

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