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Status Updates posted by Khalon

  1. getting back into the game ^^

  2. cool thanks, and yeah, that would be really weird, I hope it won't turn out like the DBZ live action xDD but if it turns out like this naruto live action then it will be really really epic xD

    Here, check it out, its really worth seeing:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Khalon


      Their Japanese is so gorgeous Q_Q

    3. Saxen


      It really is. How are you with pronunciation?

    4. Khalon


      overall I'm pretty good, just need to work on my reading speed but not worrying too much about it right now since I'm only in first year after all.

  3. nice nice, what exactly are the names of the movies? I'll watch them too.

  4. This was back in Spring 2008 that I had taken psychology so I don't remember any specifics but I did really enjoy the lab activities that we did.

  5. New avatar looks awesome as well ^^

    yeah theres a Brighton, Ontario. Psychology huh? I took the first level of that as one of my electives. It was really interesting and I loved the lectures my professor did during class. A real enlightening course lol

  6. Well 2 years is about when I'll be finished by courses and get my bachelors degree but I'm not in any rush, I wanna take my time and enjoy university life. I'm thinking of taking 2 courses per semester from now on so I can make sure I do really well in them.

  7. Surrey, British Columbia, so on the opposite end of where your friend is lol

    Just had to keep quizzing myself on the characters and their syllable sound, had to repeatedly machine gun it through my brain lol but once you got them you'll be using them forever after that so they will stick whether you'll like it or not xD

  8. Yeah I'm planning on going to japan. My school has this program where if you have your bachelors degree, you can go live and work in japan for 1 year as an english language teacher or an international relations coordinator. I will be applying for the latter position heh Though I have roughly 2 more years to go before that.

  9. French is just syllables using english characters lol I mean have its own character set like はじめましてサクセンちゃん ^^ (how do you do Saxen?) which I find to be much easier to read (though writing it is kinda tedious xD) and nice, that's awesome about your friends.

  10. I blame the character limit >.>

  11. /endcommentspam (for now =P)

  12. (which Im actually gonna start playing on my PS3 this winter break to help develop my japanese further) and be able to play online mmo's on japanese servers and have that interaction with japan players.

  13. Then all that's left is to throw in a few grammer rules and bam, you'll have a basic working knowledge of the japanese language =D I'm planning on studying all the way up to 4th year japanese level. Mostly because I want to be able to be fluent in it so I can play japanese games like tales of xillia.

  14. lolno, Japanese isn't hard. A lot of people think that but it actually isn't all that hard. Way easier than french thats for sure. Because japanese has an alphabet (unlike french) so that makes it way easier in my opinion because once you get past the hurdle of memorizing and associating the syllable sounds with the alphabet (like english) then you can pretty much start reading and writing it.

  15. I've never actually played xbox lol it's just from pure speculation that I say that. I'm too lazy to persuade you on PS3 right now xD All I've ever played was playstation so your xbox is invalid to me =P

  16. I'm actually more excited for starting the next level of japanese lol which will be basic japanese level 2 course which will begin next semester in january but it will feel really good to have the break, 4 courses is a lot of work heh next semester I'll only be taking 2 courses so I'm looking forward to that =D the japanese course and a level 2 computer programming class.

  17. Dec 15th if you couldn't get the hint lol xD sorry jk maybe on some level it makes us enemies lol since I believe highly in the playstation console and the type of game library it offers =P though I do have to admit that the xbox does multi-player much better.

  18. nah, gonna really have to wait till after the 15th when my finals are over to start watching again. At that point I'll watch like 5 episodes a day lol not much further left to go @@ (semester wise) and then I'll be rockin winter break with PS2/PS3 gaming and bleach lol and hanging out here of course trollin your profile =D jk xD

  19. yeah, I'm not a very big fan of mayuri either. He does have his moments though like the time he and some of the other captains appeared in Hueco Mondo (did I spell that right? xD) to help out Ichigo and the others and he does his epic explanation speeches lol

  20. heh we're like the only two on here with bleach avatars :D (theres probably a lot more people that like bleach here but thats besides the point :P)

  21. woot!! got robot ogrin today =DDDD!!! lol

  22. that's fine, I'm not really a "OMG Spoilers!!11!1" person lol I watched an amv of what happens in ichigo vs aizen fight so... yeah lol

  23. think your comment got cut off at the surpassing part.

  24. My favorites are grimmjow and zaraki because they are both crazy and look really cool, what an epic combo right? xD and to be honest I wouldn't know without looking at wikipedia, I last left off bleach at ep 276 so your not that far off behind me and might find out before I do heh since no time to watch these days.

  25. Hiya, nice Nel avatar :D

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