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Status Updates posted by Baixinha

  1. Hi, Newest member! welcome to the forums! I'm Baixinha!

  2. Cosplay!! I hope you like.

  3. Hey newest person! nice to meet you I'm Baixinha!

  4. Hi! I noticed you have no comments, so I'm giving you one. So here it is, your very first comment on TDN.

  5. ooh a new person! Hi, I'm Baixinha! I'm 13.

  6. oh. Hi new person.

  7. I just wanted to ask, how do I get my Avatar to show up when i comment? I still just get the grey dude. Thanks.

  8. Hi!!! I love your cat!! so cute!!!

  9. Happy Birthday Kate! My sister's party is today as well. Cool, sort of?

  10. Oh my gosh you have a ton of friends!! you're my only friend so far on this site.

  11. Happy Birthday! You are so lucky! My birthday is in march and nobody remembers. Yay for you

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