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Posts posted by April

  1. TNT.


    I find it frustrating how easy it is to get frozen or silenced and how half the time if you send in a ticket it can take months to get back to you. I had one open for over a year and then got an automated response to it... 


    The interesting part? They unsilenced my main when I sent in a different ticket asking if it was possible for them to clear my gallery layout for me. 

  2. I want snake bites, the right side of my nose pierced, reasonably sized gages, and the bar across the ear.


    Snake bites are so amazing. Get them. 

    The bar across the ear is cool, I considered doing that too. 

  3. I have snakebites.

    I have the right side of my nose done. I had the left until two days ago when I accidentally tore it out on a towel and it was too swollen to get back in. It's grown over. :( I also have my ears pierced. 


    I want 4 dermal. 2 on each collar bone. My left side of my nose redone. Both tragus. 2 cartilage in each ear. 
    I also want an eyebrow piercing, and shark bites, meaning, two more lip piercings. 

  4. My main problem with the series is how poorly the BDSM is done. There are several spots where it got out of hand from bits I've been shown by my friend.


    Another problem? It's based on Twilight fanfiction. It's not that it's Twilight, eww, go away. It's the fact that the characters aren't really her own. She's based them off of Edward and Bella. You see the main character in 50 Shades being a bit clumsy a few times. All she's done is change the names. She didn't come up with them on her own. She's taken someone else's work and tweaked it. I'm not a fan of Twilight but I really think it's cheap that she was able to 'borrow' the characters for FanFiction then just change the name and voila.


    I find nothing wrong with erotic novels. I just think 50 Shades didn't handle some things the way they should have been.


    My next issue? How it's written. It's poorly. The author tries WAY too hard to sound intelligent and creative. She tries way too hard to use wonderful language and descriptions. Instead? It sounds pathetic and sad. (Some explains below.)



    ""You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince" - This line. It's from a random facebook page. It's not the only one.
    "I flush. My inner goddess is down on bended knee with her hands clasped in supplication begging me." - Someone please explain what the pants this is?
    ""My inner goddess is jumping up and down, clapping its hands like a five year old"" - How original. Inner goddess? Who refers to themselves like that?
    "He mewled smirking at me like a mother hamster about to eat her three legged young" - There's just no words...
    Essentially, there's a lot more but definitely not appropriate to post. XD Basically, the author tries way too hard to make the story sound good and instead makes it sound awful. Trust me. This is the short version of my rant. XP
  5. For me it's Codestones (for training), Scratchcards (cause i'm a gambler), Dubloons (for training my weaker pets) or any little thing I can sell to get my way to my paintbrush goals. ^^


    I'm going to start gifting people on here later today.


    Just a note guys, my main account that is listed here is perma silenced so I can't thank you on Neo, but if you let me know on here I'll send you my love and thanks. :D

  6. I'm generally private unless I get to know someone.


    I have lots of online friends on Skype, and a couple with whom we speak on voice chat a few times a week. But unless I know someone, they don't get access to my full name.


    I have a real life facebook, and a separate one that I made for my writing friends. That's the one I have no problem giving out to others.


    My Skype is available to everyone basically, but I'm still careful about what I say on there.


    I have two online friends whom I'm closer to than any real life friends. One of them, he and I speak on voice chat for a few hours every day. I take my online relationships just as seriously as real life ones. I hope this doesn't make me super strange... Meh, who am I kidding? I don't care how strange I appear. :D

  7. ~Xandria~


    I agree. It's an awful feeling, and I'm so sorry you have to experience it. Lots of people don't get that depression can be physical as well. Lots of people don't get it in general. My parents are always saying to me, "what reason do you have to be depressed? You're not starving." And it's just awful. Which is why I find it's important to have people that do understand. You can't help how you feel and if you didn't have to feel depressed, you wouldn't. It's not a choice like so many believe.


    I'm glad I helped a bit. I'm always so unsure about being so honest online or trying to reach out to people. I'm not very good at it, but it really makes me feel happy that at least something I said helped. ^^


    Keeping my fingers crossed for you as well. :D

  8. I understand the feeling of not wanting to start a new anti-depressant.


    It's can be a little overwhelming. Okay, more than a little. It's frightening, but in the end I think it's worth the risk. I know what it feels like to be depressed, I struggle with it on a daily basis. I know how it feels to not want to wake up in the morning. I often find myself wishing that I could die without consequence, meaning no one would be affected by it. I think that's what stops me. It's awful, and I'm really sorry you feel this way.


    I definitely think it's worth the risk, just try and keep it in mind. You're doing this for you. Obviously you want to get better if you're talking to someone and getting help. Maybe the side effects won't be great, but no one wants to feel so down. That's not living. And if it's too much for you, you stop taking it and talk about trying a new one.


    I will say this. I don't even know you but I think you're an incredibly strong girl to be seeking help and giving this a try. You have my support and if you want to message me, I'd be more than willing to listen. I've been where you are, and on my bad days, I'm right back there again.


    I can empathize with you, and sometimes people need to know they're not alone. As I said, you have my support. <3 Best of luck.

  9. I have been playing neopets for 9 years but can't even get to 2 mil! Once school starts, I stop neopets entirely and it's impeding my progress :( I can imagine all the effort that goes into 10 mil!


    I'm sure you can do it!


    And just for a quick update. I got distracted by exams but I'm now only 300k away! =D

  10. But for individuals that believe, I think it's good for them. I think it's nice that they have something to believe in and to some people, the idea of dying and that just being it? That thought is paralyzing.


    However, the way that religion has been used to determine what's right and wrong, especially when it comes to gay marriage, or abortion. That annoys me.

    Not to mention that in my opinion, religion doesn't unite humanity, I think it tears it apart.


    Overall, it's great for people to have something to believe in. Something to give them hope, or to ease the fear of passing. I just don't think it's good for them to try and force their beliefs on other people.

  11. There's no object or activity that comes to mind. But there is a person.


    A friend of mine. There's no 'romantic' feelings involved but I still feel I couldn't live without him. There are no words to describe what we've been through together and every day, good or bad he's there. And when I'm struggling and I don't feel strong enough to keep going, he gives me some strength.


    It sounds corny. But he's honestly the most amazing person I know.

  12. CURRENT:


    The Walking Dead: Amazing. Love this show. Can't wait until February.

    Dexter: This show. Oh goodness. I love it. <3

    Criminal Minds: One of the only crime shows I like. The characters are so well done and the cases engaging.

    Bones: Mostly for David Boreanaz.

    Supernatural: The earlier seasons mostly. I feel it's losing its touch. I miss the earlier seasons and how chilling some of the episodes were but still an awesomes how with awesome characters! =D



    Buffy. No words. Top down. My favourite show ever.

    Angel. Buffy Spin Off, obviously it's awesome.

    Friends. The only sticom I like. <3

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