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Posts posted by shamrock

  1. I didn't know you can do that! (with the lab scientist) So how does this work? (I am such a n00b when it comes to BD)


    You fight him in 1-player in the BD and with a bit of luck he'll change your pets gender. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries but generally I find he does it very quickly.


    I'm trying to save 100k a day, then I'd have enough to morph Kallicot into a draik by the end of January, assuming I need 16,000,000. If I got lucky and made a bit more some days I might have her morphed by New Year! That'd be awesome!

  2. I have a question .. when you hatch a draik, do you get to pick the gender? I really know nothing about this ..


    No but you can change your pets gender by battling the lab scientist if you have access to the lab to get him as a BD challenger.


    Yes, but it's missing something. I'm really bad at customization, so I can't figure it out .. eeh, not that I'm getting any of this stuff :)


    Your customisation is lovely! That dress is really nice on draiks, and the background is lovely and unfussy.

    What about a hat or wig? I like the Royal Girl Draik Tiara and Hair with it personally, and if you had those clothes I guess the Royal Girl Draik Bracelets would be nice too. You mentioned a staff, maybe the MiniMME6-S1: Golden Wand of Wonder since it has a splash of purple in there too?

  3. Skeiths are great and they have some super paint brush wearables. I used to have a lovely royalboy skeith but I adopted him out when I down-sized. I think at some stage I will probably morph a pet into a skeith again when I fancy a change.


    Customising with NC stuff is fun although I generally prefer NP items because they're not animated, but they tend to be expensive which makes it hard. I'm looking forward to the GMC and Advent calendar - hopefully we'll get some nice NP wearables, for free! :)

  4. Shamrock - Those are BEAUTIFUL! *Spends really long time wiping drool off keyboard*


    Thanks! I love them, although I find my male draik hard to customise.


    Aitvara is beautiful Spritzie! I love the new water colour.

  5. Shamrock - Your Draiks are gorgeous! I love the customization you have for all of them. (The wig you have on Vilici is one I was seriously considering for Aitvara, but I didn't end up getting it.)


    Thanks! I like that wig on Vilici but I actually bought it for Heofon my aisha. I like faerie but it can be a hard colour to customise!


    Good luck getting the draik Vivies! Desert is a beautiful colour for draiks, I love their wings

  6. *peeks in*


    Hello! Lovely draiks and other pets everyone!


    I am the lucky owner of 4 draiks - Noast, Bucksen, Mizutei and Vilici.

    I love 'em, they're great to customise because their proportions are so similar to people although they do have fairly mahooosive heads!

    I'm thrilled at the drop in prices lately and I'm saving up to morph Kallicot. I'm down to 4 mil now though as I kept dipping into it to paint other pets, but I'll get the head down and do some real saving now that I'm happy with my pets.


    Well, good luck with all your saving projects, I hope you all get the draiks or other goals you're saving for soon :)

  7. Then again, if you lab a Royal boy and he turns into a girl, she still wears the same clothes, right?


    If you lab a royalboy and he changes gender you'll have a royalgirl, complete with royalgirl clothes. If you battle the lab scientist with a royalboy and his gender is changed he'll be a female pet with female eyes but still the colour and clothes of a male.

  8. I am a premium member and I love it!

    Only you can decide if you're getting value for money. For me it's about the same price as a glossy magazine or a couple cups of coffee, and I feel I get more value for my money this way.


    I love the SSW (some people say it dies after half a dozen searches but mine usually lasts a lot longer) and the no ads is great too. The people on the charter board are generally friendly and helpful.

    Granted, the daily SHH, weekly scratchcard and monthly 1,000 nps aren't going to make you rich, and the neomail and beta testing games are irrelevant to me, but for the SSW and Charter I feel it's totally worth it.

  9. I regularly change my pets colour and/or species, but I suppose the more expensive the paint job or morphing potion the more I'll think about it.

    With a cheaper paint brush if I subsequently decide I don't like it I can always change back, but when I have painted a pet pirate or painted over a pirate colour in the past I made sure I took a long time to think it over!

  10. I only discovered TDN has a forum when I visited to see the upcoming draik day goodies! I've been lurking since then and decided to bite the bullet and join tonight. So this is me saying hello - hello!


    I'm a longtime neopets player (10+ years) and yep, that makes me an adult!

    Ummm... I like draiks, aishas & pirates and I have an unhealthy neocash habit! I can't think of anything else to say so I'll leave it there for now.


    Look forward to joining in!

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