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Status Updates posted by fish_mummy

  1. Until AC XI I had been mostly away from neopets for a year and a half..back now for a while, I think.

  2. Rough stretch in RL for a while therer...I got the suap avatar this Monday, though. ^_^

  3. No idea how much more time Izzy will be lending me his pea chia...but I can not really hunt suap lenders as much as I'd like, as job hunting is more important than anything neopets related.:P

  4. I am actually back largely because I was layed off my work for the season...

    1. fish_mummy


      potato pumpkin suap

  5. besides the sky, that is.:P

  6. Ohai.:O

    What's up?

  7. Oh and I was temporarily employed and lacked as much time to check in online

  8. ugh...it was even the SAME password some how...(no wonder I was able to accidentally do it...as I just needed to type the other account name...ugh...:/

  9. Hello.:)

    You posted that post when I had only 4 remaining minutes on my first day of work at my new job:)

  10. fish_mummy has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?


    why? I AM this fushmummy creature...?

  11. What is on my mind...? Potatoes.

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