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Posts posted by somuchnoise

  1. Q.1) What team are you joining?

    It's a toss-up between Darigan Citadel and Roo Island. They're my favorites.


    Q.2) Is this your first time joining this team?

    No for both, technically. But yes for both with my current account (my old one randomly got hacked so I discontinued it out of sadness).


    Q.3) If Yes to above why? If No to above how much times have you joined them?

    Never played AC with the current account, but once for DC and twice for RI.


    Q.4) Do you join different teams every year?

    No, I just felt inspired to switch from DC to RI. I don't know why. But I'm considering going back.


    Q.5) Is this your first year doing the Altador Cup?



    Q.6) If Yes to above is this your first year on Neopets? If no to above have you been playing the AC since AC I?

    No, I did II, III, and IV.


    Q.8) Have you ever won a trophy for the Altador Cup?

    I don't think so. I never got that into it, but I'm gonna try this year.


    Q.9) Have you ever made it to Rank 1 before?

    If you mean my team, then yes. I won with DC and RI (then lost with RI. The curse is REAL!).


    Q.10) What Team do you like the most but are not joining it?

    I admire the people that stick with Kiko Lake, Faerieland, and other consistently low-scoring teams, I really do.

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