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Status Updates posted by Airotia

  1. ;) Thanks for the Neowart Fungus. Palidus says, 'Im cured!! Im cured!!" D: Why is my Grape Chia's grammar so atrocious...

  2. Back from va-cay-ti-on~! Beach and pools are so over, back to my life of an internet hermit.

  3. Gold DD trophy, yeah! Altador Cup, hurry up and start.

  4. Gold DD trophy, yeah!

  5. Gonna try and get back into Neopets after a semi-hiatus. Funny how semi-hiatuses seem to end around Daily Dare time...

  6. Gonna try and get back into Neopets after a semi-hiatus. Funny how semi-hiatuses seem to end around Daily Dare time...

  7. Got the Meuka - Snotty avatar! *dances* I hate BD so so much... xD

    1. khaos


      that avvie was easy, beat Meuka on my first try with under-level stats.

    2. Airotia


      ... shuddup. XD I got him on my third time, but Neopets glitched and gave me some weird end screen (with some kind of weird Kacheek with purple wings...?) and I didn't get the avatar. Or my one-use items back. Even after I submitted a report. Stupid TNT. And after that I had absolutely NO LUCK fighting him. The BD hates me.

  8. I'm doing pretty good. =3 I'm advertising for my guild on Neopets and watching television with my best buddy, so I'm great! ^_^ Also getting my post count up on this site. ;D

  9. No problem! ^_^ I actually think that the friend-adding is automatic, but I would have accepted either way. xD It's always good to have a few friends on these sites. =3 So, how you doing? :D

  10. Over halfway done with Daily Dare, and still at 100% AAA challenge day wins! I'm expecting to be thrown soon. D:

  11. Over halfway done with Daily Dare, and still at 100% AAA challenge day wins! I'm expecting to be thrown soon. D:

  12. So, so much permie petpage editting and moving going on today. Ugh but I think I got them all like I want them anyways.

  13. Sure! Added you! If you want to be NeoFriends, add me on palidus_tomato, mmkay? I'll accept for sure. ;D

  14. Why so many glitchy games on Daily Dare? D:

  15. will probably disappear for a few days now that Eden Eternal is on Open Beta. :P Combined with vacation time of course.

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