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Posts posted by Jules

  1. Yooyuball

    Goals Scored 158

    Goals by Elon "The Black Hole" Hughlis 47

    Goals by Oten Runeu 43

    Goals by Lamelle Turow 39

    Goals by Barit Jowes 29

    Saves by Tonie Plessix 88

    Number of Wins 28

    Number of Draws 3

    Number of Losses 3


    Slushie Slinger

    Games Played 22

    Top Score 608


    Make Some Noise

    Games Played 220

    Top Score 6,005


    Shootout Showdown

    Games Played 75

    Top Score 1,189

  2. I'm not really into customization in the first place, but I think that wigs look super weird. I think it is an attempt to make the pets look more human-like, and I like my neopets because they don't look like me!


    I totally agree with the above comparison of putting wigs on cats or dogs - it just seems creepy to me!

  3. Slightly off-topic, but soooo jealous you have a Kindle. I want one so bad. <3


    Oh thanks, the Kindle is awesome! I defiantly recommend getting one! I just got it a few weeks ago for a graduation present and it has quickly became one of my essential items! It is super light, easy to read, and I can bring tons of books wherever I go instead of just choosing one!

  4. Hi Kristen! I'm Jules, welcome to the forums! I also recently got back into play Neopets about a month or two ago. And I'm sure you'll get better at games as you practice more! Try looking at the game guides on TDN. They are really helpful!

  5. I only quit when the game glitches so bad I can't continue or if something goes wrong with my computer.


    As I get better at the KeyQuest I've started to notice the ridiculous amount of people who quit when they are losing. It doesn't make any sense to me to quit when the other person is only blocks away from the door! It is rude and very frustrating. If you are really looking for a gold key, just don't open a door with the silver key, and play another game from the gold. I've started playing 3 player games, even though they take longer because usually one of the other players ends up leaving the game.

  6. I like the Wii quite a bit! I'm not a big gamer - I think I only own about 5 or 6 games. I like playing things like Just Dance, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart. I like the exercise games when I don't have time to get to the gym. I've played the Kinect and I really like how it is controller-less - means you can't try to cheat in the dance games like one of my friends does with the wii!

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