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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. Ok. :) *late reply*

  2. Welcome to the forums!!

  3. I'll let you and that other Chai Tea guy use my chat if you want. http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  4. Oh ok. I never use it much anyway but message me when you want to get on Xat. And cool, I never got around to finishing it, but I finished Darkness a long time ago xD

  5. SuRe SoLlUx BrO :o)


  7. Happy birthday!!

  8. Good, "Kaito Dark." You?

  9. Just notice that you're a girl and a Kaito. wat. where did you get your username from anyway?

  10. Haven't heard of either. :/ Mine's from the anime Vocaloid.

  11. Well, it's not an actual anime. It basically just makes music and stuff, but has anime characters that appear in PVs (basically music videos). People have been begging them to make an actual anime out of it though. :P

  12. Yep, I'm 11. Surprised? :P

  13. Why? Any reason behind that?

  14. Like how old?

  15. I guess I'm mature for my age. :P

  16. Hello dark me! ^^

  17. hello dark sort of me! :P

  18. Meh, I see what you mean.

  19. Since you guys need at chat, I'll let you guys use mine. Omega Zero's already on: http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  20. *late* Welcome to the forums!

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