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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. khaos

    unfortunately i am tired and may leave soon.

  2. khaos

    I said MAY. Not yet! ;D

  3. khaos

    You're missing, *drags you back*

  4. khaos

    Nyeh. okay. hurry up then. *pushes you into a chair*

  5. khaos

    *pokes back* Hai.

  6. khaos

    *pokes with cawwot* You too. an we should go here for faster talking instead of hogging up the profile feed :P http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  7. khaos

    *pokes with cawwot* You too. an we should go here for faster talking instead of hogging up the profile feed :P http://xat.com/Khaos64133789074641337

  8. khaos

    and 10 minutes later Y U NO THERE

  9. khaos

    *pokes back* Hai. :3

  10. khaos

    xat. nao. I can't NM you since i'm against punchbag bob D:

  11. khaos

    That wouldn't fit. xP

  12. khaos

    It's more than 26 letters. :P

  13. khaos

    Ahhhhhhh you changed your name. >_<

  14. khaos

    aka when the Altador Cup is over. :P

  15. khaos

    You should have changed it to Shenkuu bunny, because it's |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| <-- that much better. ;D

  16. khaos

    So it begins....

  17. khaos

    *pokes back*

  18. khaos


  19. khaos

    No problem! ^^ by the way, if you knew me when my username was Javi or Javi-San, then you can call me Javi. If you weren't, stick with Khaos. :P

  20. khaos

    I just realized on your really old and outdated Hiatus topic you addressed yourself as Lassi which was in my guess referring to me or some JNers. :o

  21. khaos

    so.. me? xP

  22. khaos

    Yeah. The complete opposite of JN. which is a shame because I like RPing. :(

  23. khaos

    Okeedokee. See you tomorrow maybe!

  24. khaos

    Yeah, I saw that. Thanks :)

  25. khaos

    *pokes you back*

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