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Posts posted by Ethelune

  1. Pick the same combination every time. Eventually, it will work. I don't know the exact probability because I don't remember how many mortogs show up each time, but just keep doing the same thing and you WILL get it. I think I just picked the far left each time.


    Congrats, Karina; you won! If you'd like, show me one or two of your Neopets (on any of your accounts, if you have more than one) you'd like me to sketch. ^_^ As a head's up, I might need a couple days to finish, since I'm heading into exam week.


    Thank you to everyone who participated! I really appreciate your help. :laughingsmiley:

  2. I love how everyone gave in to their money farm. :V But hopefully this will give them enough cash to back off for a while. I'm still peeved because I have no way to obtain any NeoCash whatsoever, so I cannot throw my glorious moneyz at TNT, while semi-newbies, along with just about everyone else, are getting Fountain Faerie Quests. The only good thing that may come out of this for me is that Paint Brushes may deflate in price greatly (though temporarily) allowing people like me to snatch Paint Brushes from the claws of grubby marketers. *cackles with great rage* Sorry for all the "greed" words, but you get my anger right? I mean, I can't pay for ANY stat or color whatsoever. BTW, I'm holding onto the free 100NC from the AC for a KQ token.


    Seriously though, is it bad that I hope the cookies cause severe deflation and a crash in the market??? <_<


    Honestly? I doubt these cookies will have any visible effect on the economy. The folks who do buy Neocash are a small percentage of the Neopian population (not to mention that an even smaller percentage are receiving FFQs), and TNT has already stated that the cookies are being closely monitored for any impact they may have.


    I'm sorry you don't have access to the NC Mall... but being resentful to those who do isn't going to help any. :sad01_anim:


    I wonder if people will sell them for NP? I know that you can gift them, because my guildee has been gifting them.


    I would hope not! Gifting them is a wonderfully generous thing to do, but selling them for NP is explicitly against the rules and would result in a ban. I wouldn't be surprised if some are already trying that. x_x

  3. Left.


    Bottom middle.

    Upper right.


    Good luck on the avatar!


    So close! The very last one exploded on me. :sad02:


    First, first, first, first. At least, that's the way I always do it. I figure I have to get the avatar someday right? :P


    I wish you luck on getting the avatar, too! We're bound to get it at some point. ^_^

  4. I've been trying to get the avatar for Kiss the Mortog for a while, now... but, being obsessive compulsive, I can never trust myself to choose the correct one! It's gotten to the point where my family and friends are getting tired of me asking "left or right?" whenever we're chatting on Skype. :P


    So, I thought I'd come to you all for help! Tell me which Mortogs to pick for the first four rounds, and I'll follow your instructions. (So, say things like "right, then middle, then upper left, then bottom right.")


    I'd like to make this fun for everyone involved, so, if your choices get me the avatar, I'll do a quick digital sketch of one or two of your Neopets! Also, feel free to enter more than once, if you'd like. ;)

  5. Congratulations, everyone! :O


    I can't help but be a little envious. It seems my luck hasn't improved much, since all my quests so far have been from water faeries... and not Naia, unfortunately. :P The stat increases are nice, though. I'd like to think Rowanan could take on the Black Pteri and the Henchmen for the avatars, someday.

  6. I asked around on the NeoBoards, and someone suggested to add the following bit of code:

    #usertrophies { width: 120%; }


    You might have to tweak the percentage to fit your layout, but the problem is solved on mine! ^_^

  7. Out of curiosity, has anyone received (or know of someone else who has received) a Fountain Faerie quest from these cookies?


    Also, I'm so glad I bought one. The Crafting Faerie ambushed me a few weeks ago with a quest and I'd completely forgotten to abandon it. No wonder I haven't been getting any quests. <_<

  8. Hey, all! Just stopping by with a quick question. (:


    If you check out my user look-up (at least on Firefox 12.0), you'll notice that the "Games and Trophies" section no longer has the same width as the other sections. I've tried tweeking the code a bit, but nothing has worked, so far. I've already got #ncmall on { display: none; }, but I can't seem to remove the column itself.


    Has anyone experienced the same problem... and, if so, have you managed to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

  9. If it's a glitch, then the cookie is even worse because if it is and TNT fixes it, then that's completely selling NP for cash. It would give a huge NP gaining advantage (since you can use it durring scores galore, and buy as many cookies as you want) for those who can spare real money to buy them.


    Since it isn't currently giving double 1k NP, it's a little better, but still over the line and seems to be against the rules about selling NP.


    I understand that the cookie gives the players who can afford it an advantage, which does rub me the wrong way. However, I also understand that the players who use it still have to work for those NP. To make the extra 50,000 to 100,000 NP that was mentioned in a past post, users would have to submit 25 to 50 scores per day (assuming there is a glitch that will be fixed, a'course). Keep in mind, most games aren't as quick as easy as Kass Basher. 1,000 NP-worthy scores usually take time and effort. The situation could be much, much worse, in my opinion.


    Plus, Scores Galore is only temporary. Don't forget that. (:


    Like I said, I'm not a fan of the cookie. I just see no reason to accuse TNT of being heartless scammers for releasing it (especially when they haven't had a chance to respond to the complaints, yet). :eh:

  10. Maybe I'm just a bit too optimistic, but I'm inclined to believe that users not receiving double the NP when submitting scores worth 1,000 NP is caused by a glitch. After all, TNT is by no means perfect. They seem to really love the site, and I can't imagine they'd purposefully exploit its users, especially when false advertising can have legal consequences.


    Am I a fan of the cookie? Not at all. But that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy the site less because of it, or get upset by the folks who use it. ;)


    Oh, and, hey! It's been a while, TDN. (:

  11. Congratulations! Finding a Hissi in the pound is lucky by itself... but finding one with a good name is unbelievable. :laughingsmiley:


    If you're interested, I know the nap time for the guard on my account, and I have a free transfer remaining for October. I'd be happy to dip Xillie in the Magma Pool for you, if you're having trouble! Just send me a Neomail, if you're interested. ;)

  12. Thank you so much for the congrats, everybody! :* I wish I could spread my luck to you all..!


    I haven't found a buyer, yet... but, since Thursday, every other copy on the Post with a price has been sold (or, at least, the lots have been canceled). No price at all is given for the book, now, so I have no idea if I should offer it for the original 700,000 NP or wait and see if its cost fluctuates. :S


    Nice! The best I have ever gotten was an item for 30k... I wish I had your luck for Forgotten Shore! (By the way, I have a bunch of pieces if you need any message me!) So I hope you find a buyer and become lent ZDAP! Though with your account, I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't lent right now even! ^_^ (Saying I was lent before I had 5 trophies, and 143 avatars for free.)

    Ooo! I'll send you a Neomail as soon as possible about the map pieces. ^_^


    I know, with a little luck, I could probably be lent for less than the plushie's actual value... but, since I have to save for Number Six, I might as well support the ALP and offer in full. ;)

  13. good luck on your quests, tell me what the faeries gave you :laughingsmiley:

    Thank you so much! My Rowanan's strength has been increased to an "awesome" 70. It's by far the boy's highest stat, aside from intelligence. :P

  14. So, while visiting TDMBGPOP, I received a Festive Stocking, today. Honestly, I was glad just to find a toy, since Rowanan's been slowly decreasing in happiness (which started with an earlier visit to TDMBGPOP, actually). Without checking the price, I just let him play with it... and, unexpectedly, the stocking disappeared and left behind a few other items.


    Some cheap Tyrannian food? Okay, I guess.


    Ooo! Some candy worth about 6,000 NP? That's a nice surprise. :)


    The Spirit of Giving? Awesome, another book for Rowanan! Just out of curiosity, let me check the Shop Wizard... wait, what? None are listed? :eh: What about on the Trading Po-ooooomigod.


    So, um... TDMBGPOP just gave me an item worth 700,000 NP. I love that little guy so much, right now. :sad02: I'm glad I didn't check the price of the Festive Stocking, either, since that alone was worth about 100,000 NP; had I know that, I would have just sold it.


    So, yeah. Full collateral for the Zafara Double Agent Plushie doesn't seem so impossible, now. :laughingsmiley:

  15. For the most part, I understand that Neopets tries to make the site enjoyable for all ages... but the bulk of the traffic is from minors, and TNT just wants to make sure everyone's safe. :)


    I agree with other folks concerning the filters for Neomail... but, even if they are frustrating, I understand why they've been made so strict. My greatest pet peeve, though, is the rules concerning content you're allowed to submit to the Neopian Times. I have so many ideas for series I'd love to get published, but it's just so hard to avoid inserting romance or mild violence into your plots. x_x


    I think my biggest issue with the rules is that, if a mistake is made, TNT takes such a long time to fix it. I see so many people frozen for simple misunderstandings (or less)... and the fact that TNT can take months to act, if they do at all, is inexcusable. I know they're flooded with tickets on a daily basis... but that's what interns are for, right? ;)

  16. Actually, that just happened to me, too... and I don't think I've been logged out in the past year or so. :eh: I freaked when I saw the usual yellow layout, instead of the Haunted Woods one I'm using!


    Maybe TNT is doing some system maintenance..? I have no idea, but that's my best guess. :(

  17. 4 mil? That's really doable! :D


    For me? <_< According to Jellyneo's book list, it would be 509,191,636np, not including some books. Including the Hidden Tower ones, it would be 520,291,636, for books.


    I have yet to count battle items.

    I'm trying for the Booktastic and Neopian Book Awards, as well... but I try not to think about the sheer price of those trophies. o_O Casually collecting books is fine with me, at least until I can achieve the other goals on my list.

  18. I would be so very thankful for any strawberry-themed items you could send my way, if that isn't a problem. :*


    Also, I completely agree with everyone else on this thread. You're incredibly sweet for doing this..! ^_^

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